But this new information we have may be enough to stop that threat entirely. We just don’t quite know what to do with it yet.
“We need to tell my father Gustavo was the one who killed his wife. Amador needs to know too,” Elle says over dinner the night we leave Seattle, continuing our trip to Anchorage, Alaska. “Maybe they’ll make up and the fighting can stop.”
“That isn’t going to stop the DEA from carrying out their op,” Ben says. “Just ask your brother. They’ve been gunning for Amador for years now. Too much is invested in taking him down once and for all.”
“And let Delgado just move right in and take over? Because youknowthat’s what will happen. They need to go afterhim!” Elle points toward the bow of the boat, as if Delgado fled just moments ago and not two days prior.
She makes another call to Mason later that night, informing him of Gustavo’s confession. Since Mason was already privy to the secret, he consents to be the bearer of bad news, but agrees with Ben: the op won’t be called off. The government has too much to gain by taking down Amador, even if there’s a new power rising in Mexico City. He tells her Delgado is on their radar, though, and has been since at least the start of the year. He personally made sure the DEA knew how ruthless the man who was once second in command to two different crime lords could be.
The best part, though, is thatwehave nothing to worry about anymore, which is almost as liberating as the moment I found myself in the midst of an intimate tangle with both Ben and Elle. They’ve accepted me and my desire for them both with open arms. The fact that Baz completely accepted our relationship is just the cherry on top. Watching Elle with the two of them is as captivating as watching her alone, and I do my share of watching over the next week as we make our way to Anchorage.
We arrive just in time for the twins’ birthday, where we throw a small party with theBrizo’s crew. Later that evening, Elle urges us into the theater, where she turns on the big screen. I’m not sure what to expect, though I’m hoping for some sort of erotic display, but a moment later, a video call connects and her brother Sam appears, larger than life.
“Elle?” Ben says under his breath. “What’s going on?”
“This is your birthday present,” she reminds him. “Just be patient.” And then, in a chirpy voice, “Hi, Sam! Did you finish them?”
“I pulled some late nights, but yep. I hope you all like them. Just let me know when you’re ready.”
Elle clears her throat and stands in front of the screen to address us. “Okay, so it’s been a wild ride with the three of you, but we survived. Together.”
She bites her lip and takes a deep breath, meeting each of our eyes. My stomach flips, because whatever this is must be big, if she’s that nervous.
She glances at her feet before continuing. “I know what we have isn’t exactly …conventional… but somehow it works. I love all three of yousomuch.” Her eyes go glassy, and she gives us a shaky smile. I can’t help but smile too.
“You know we love you too, Elle,” Baz says.
“I do, Baz. I don’t know if it’s crossed your mind, but it’s definitely crossed mine… the idea of making things permanent between us.”
“Elle…” I say, but she raises a hand before any of us can respond.
“Which is nuts, and not something we can do easily. I wouldn’t want to marry just one of you, but marryingallof you isn’t exactly an option. Not legally, anyway.”
My heart pounds harder, because what she’s saying almost perfectly reflects thoughts that have recently crossed my mind, and glancing at the other two, it’s clear they’re on the same page.
“It’s just a stupid piece of paper, Ellie,” Ben says, his voice tight. “We don’t need that to know we love each other.”
“I know. But I wanted to make this gesture because I want to have something for the four of us to share, to represent the bond we have.” She turns back to face the screen. “I’m ready, Sam.”
“You got it, sis.” He clicks with a mouse, filling the screen with a huge mandala in the style of Pacific Northwest native art. Elle looks up at the design, grinning, before turning back to us.
“Since this is where we’re making it official—if you guys are on board with the idea, of course…”
“Fuck yes we are,” Ben interrupts, then looks at me and his brother. “I mean, I am. You two better be, or we’ll have words.”
Baz and I both offer our heartfelt assent.
Elle’s grin widens. “I asked Sam to design us a tattoo that we’ll all get when we get home.”
Sam’s voice filters in. “My sister’s crazy about you… emphasis on the crazy, if you ask me, but I’m not one to judge. We put our heads together for this design. It features each of your animal essences, as she interprets them. An eagle for Drake, symbolizing power and prestige…” A bright pointer skitters across the screen, pointing out the heavy red and black wings that encircle the mandala. “Bears for the twins, the protectors…” The pointer moves inward to the next circle of bear faces alternating with small black claw marks. “Frogs for Elle, which represent her existence in two worlds…” He spirals the pointer to the inner circle. “And finally, the moon in the center, to guard and protect all four of you.”
My heart is in my throat at the thought she put into this, and the planning. She had to have come up with this scheme a week ago when she asked him to start working on it, and none of us had a clue.
I slowly rise and go to her, looking down into her hopeful eyes.
“You don’t have any tattoos,” she says, “so I wasn’t sure if you’d be on board…”
“I never saw the point before,” I say. “But now I do. If I only ever get one, this is the one I want.”