A surge of happiness at this news is quickly replaced by disappointment. I lean back against the wall opposite Marco and bang both fists against it in frustration. “Shoot. We’re sort of hiding out until this is all over, so I won’t get to see you. Are you going back to your old team when it’s done?”

He shakes his head, pressing his lips into a line. “That’s a door I can’t go back through. But I never expected to be a SEAL my whole life, and thirty isn’t a bad age at which to plan a new career.”

“Oh, Marco. But you loved it so much!”

He gives me a half-smile and a shrug. “My family matters more. Maybe whatever I choose will mean more time with you.”

“That’d be nice,” I say. “No love interest in the picture, I take it?”

He chuckles. “Not as such.”

“And Jake… The two of you are…?”

“Like brothers. We’ve saved each other’s lives a time or two. He insisted I wouldn’t survive without him, and I couldn’t say no.”

“Cool. He seems nice, but I didn’t really get to meet him.”

“He’s solid. A bit of a lone wolf, so I’m privileged he chose to stick it out with me for this assignment.”

Our conversation lulls, and I begin to straighten up to head back to the pavilion when Marco says, “So… you and Stavros, huh? Between you and me, I always thought you’d wind up with Baz Quin. Especially considering your recent circumstances.”

I lean back on the wall again, bracing myself as I look Marco squarely in the eyes. I never lie to my brothers, and I don’t plan to start now. “You’re not wrong on either count.”

Marco frowns, his lips parting as what I said sinks in, then his eyes widen a little. I feel a hot flush creep up over my shoulders and face. For some reason,hisopinion matters more than the others’, and I hold my breath, waiting to hear his reaction, because there’s one more thing he needs to know.

“So, this is a thing with this family, isn’t it? Fucking hell, Bean.” He shakes his head in disbelief. “Though I guess it’s a testament to how special you are, if two men are willing to compromise enough to share you.”

I clear my throat. “Not just two. Ben … was my first.”

His jaw drops open when I share that gem. It’s almost comical watching him try to wrap his head around the news. Then he snaps it shut and stares at the ceiling, his face red as he struggles to regain some composure. I just watch, waiting for him to offer a verdict. When he lowers his gaze to mine again, his jaw is clenched and his serious look bores into me.

“They make you happy?”

“Yes. They’re each kind of perfect in their own way.”

He heaves a sigh and chuckles. “Those two have been pining for you foryears. Somehow I always imagined they’d come to blows over who gets to have you. I guess this solves everything. They seem to like Drake too. Or at least Ben does.”

“Between you and me, I think Ben’s a little in love with Drake, but then so am I.” I grin. “You should’ve been here for the party. He was amazing on stage.”

“Well, if he sticks around, I’m sure I’ll have a chance to get to know him soon enough. Just be careful. A relationship like that must be like spinning plates.”

I give him a sly smile. “I think we’re finding a good balance. Don’t worry about me.”

“You know, Bean, of all the Santos brood, I think you might be the only one I almost never worry about.”

He offers me his arm and I hook mine through, letting him escort me back to the pavilion.

The second we step into the big room, all three of the men we were just talking about swivel their heads to look, equal looks of relief and adoration lighting up their eyes. Marco laughs.

“Yep, those three arealldone for. Good job, Bean. Good job.” He pats me on the hand, then releases me to rejoin his friend, who’s seated on the edge of the stage.

I smile back at Drake and the twins and make my way to them. “Are we good to go?”

“Duffy just landed, so we can leave anytime,” Drake says.

Nodding, I turn back to my family, making a somewhat tearful round of farewells, since I have no idea when I’ll see all of them next. They all head out the front door as a group while I join Drake and the twins, and we walk out the rear exit to the field where Duffy waits in Drake’s helicopter.

I let out a sigh when we strap into our seats, Drake beside me and the twins across from us. Drake slips his arm around me and pulls me tight against him, pressing his lips to the top of my head.