When she turns, I almost object, but then she contorts herself sideways for the camera so I get an angled view of her ass and pussy rather than head-on. She presses her cheek to the mattress, her upper body canted so she can see the screen while still keeping her backside mostly in view of the camera. Both hands free, she can now manipulate both her toys. She keeps one steadily pumping the dildo in and out of her dripping pussy, and with the other, she reaches back and begins to fuck her tight ass with the plug.

Her face contorts and her mouth opens with a gasp, then a whimper that makes my balls surge and tighten. I clamp down on my cock, trying to delay the inevitable.

But when she starts to whisper her darkest desires, I am a goner. I almost can’t make out the words, she’s speaking so softly, and the music is close enough to all but cover her voice, but I can still just barely hear her.

“God, I wish I could have you all right now. I want you inside me. I want you fucking me, filling me up all the way. In my mouth, in my pussy, in my ass. Everywhere. Oh, god. Oh, fuck!”

Her gorgeous ass rocks in time with her thrusts, and I barely notice my own fist pumping my cock in time with her rhythm.

“That’s it, baby,” I say, though I know she can’t hear me. But I can hear her, and what I hear is every bit as beautiful as what I see when she loses herself, bringing herself to climax with both hands working those lucky fucking toys in her ass and pussy.

The world explodes in a blast of white light, and hot fluid spills over my knuckles. In my periphery, I barely register blurred movement on the screen. I glance at Ben’s corner, gratified by the sight of his fist rapidly pumping his own cock, his stomach flexed so tight his abs are deeply defined ridges. He comes a moment after I do, and it’s almost as beautiful to watch as it is watching Elle. Then I look at Baz just in time to witness his surrender.

But my attention gravitates back to Elle, and I forget the mess on my lap for the time being. She’s gone slack on the bed, still holding both toys inside her for the moment, with a look of utter bliss on her face.

Her back rises and falls with a deep breath and she watches us with heavy-lidded eyes. She shifts and gently extracts both objects from her body and sets them aside, then sits up and faces us. Her beautiful cheeks are flushed, her nipples hard as her eyes scan the screen. I wonder which of us she has taking up the majority of the screen the way I’m sure all three of us are viewing her right now. Or maybe we’re split four ways for her, all equal. That makes the most sense, especially the way her eyes shift from corner to corner.

She reaches for the top of the screen, her beautiful breasts filling the frame for a moment, and then the music fades as she picks up her phone from where she’d set it next to the speaker to play the music.

“That was nice, but next time, I want to do it in person,” she says just barely loud enough for us to hear.

“Same,” Ben says, his voice startlingly clear, though just as soft. “This is fucking torture.”

“I’d still be down for this anytime, though,” Baz says. “Watching you is hot. And I have to say, being watched is kind of hot too, even if it’s a pervert like Drake.” His gaze shifts, and he adds, “Just so you know, Drake, I don’t mind it. I’m not into taking it any further, but look all you like.”

“Tomorrow night,” Ben says. “After we nail this Miles bastard. I have a fantasy that involves that lounge upstairs. Do you think we can have enough privacy there to make it happen?”

“The crew will go wherever I ask. If I tell them that deck is off-limits, they won’t set foot on it. We can make your fantasy a reality.”



Arturo’s goneby the time we wake up. Captain Theo arrives at breakfast, relaying the message that Arturo would see us at the gala later that evening. I can’t say I’m not relieved not to have to face him first thing in the morning, even though I didn’t lay a finger on Elle the night before. Despite his clear acceptance of us, and of her choice, I still think it’s risky as hell to rub it in his face.

Watching her like that wasn’t enough—it would never be enough for me—but it was better than nothing. Tonight can’t come soon enough, though. I’m so singularly focused on it and the images from her video the night before that I’m barely worried about the gala at all.

That doesn’t mean I let down my guard, though. I make a call to Karl Thomas, who manages our on-site security to give him an update on our concerns. He’s a former Marine who’s worked for Drake for years, and who was probably in line for our job before we came on the scene. He’s been gracious about the lack of promotion, at least, and is all about doing his job well, so we get along fine.

Karl knows some of the details—that Elle and Drake are both high-priority principals and we’re to keep a close watch on the guests for any potential threat. But now he and the rest of the security team will have a face to watch as well. Everyone coming into the gala will go through a metal detector, and some “random” guests will get pat-downs—except Miles Sitnik’s pat-down won’t be random.

I also instruct Karl to keep an eye out for his former boss, Curt Hagler. We still haven’t had luck tracking him down, a detail which just doesn’t sit right with me, or with Baz.

Elle is beside herself with excitement, though she still spends a good couple hours after breakfast with Baz digging through her thumb drive. Zavala had a hefty file of intel on the Serbian mafia, who are likely the ones behind Drake’s half-brother’s play for his company. Most of it won’t help our immediate issue, but at least we have a better grasp on why they’re coming for him. Of course, it’s all about the money the organization lost when their sweet deal with one of the biggest shipping companies in the world went belly-up. No more easy way to transport their so-calledcargo.

I know for a fact that Drake has arrangements with other businessmen besides Arturo. One of our earliest private meetings laid out the facts, and I think one of the reasons he was comfortable bringing us on board to head his security department was because we used to work for Flores, so we weren’t going to flinch about the fact that part of his business involves transporting illicit goods. But like Flores, he draws the line at transporting human beings as if they were livestock.

“Find out anything worth sharing?” I ask when we’re in the helicopter on the way to the gala later that afternoon. Drake needs to arrive two hours early and I want to be on site before guests start to arrive too, so I can keep an eye on things.

Elle looks too stunning for words, her hair done up in a sleek bun and her makeup perfect. Her dress fits her so well, it’s going to be difficult not to just stare at her all night. Keeping my mind on the task at hand is everything though, and steering our conversation to our target is the only way I can do that.

“Only that the Corluka gang is small potatoes compared to either Amador or Zavala,” Elle says, then frowns. “Do we keep calling them Zavala if they answer to Gustavo now? I don’t even know how cartels work.”

“It’s up to him. He becomes notorious enough, the name change will just happen. Delgado’s already synonymous with brutality on this side of the border,” Baz says. “But it’s true, the Serbs don’t have the power in North America that the cartels have. What they have are the products—drugs and women, and they need the infrastructure of the cartels to move their products.”

“Except the one thing they’re lacking is the shipping company for transporting everything from Eastern Europe,” I say.

“And there’s no fucking way I’m letting them get their hands on my company,” Drake says. His stare is cold and hard, the set to his jaw making me clench mine in solidarity. For the briefest moment my thoughts drift from Elle to him because this take-no-prisoners version of him is damn sexy. When we lock eyes for a few seconds, his chilly look turns to heat, and I’m gratified to see his mouth tic up at one corner before his gaze slides to Elle and his eyes drop to her perfectly framed cleavage.