“You’re telling me you don’t already?” Ben challenges before I can find the words to answer. “You know our lives inside out. You haven’t already guessed?”

Papá leans back, regarding Ben intently. “Yes, but I want to hear you say it.”

“We’re in love with her,” he says. “Have been foryears.”

“Which means you’ll die to protect her. I don’t see this as a failing.”

“We found out recently that the feeling is mutual,” I say.

This admission makes his eyebrows rise.

“Ah,” he says, frowning and staring toward the interior of the yacht. His jaw works as he ponders this news. Then he looks at me. “You wouldn’t lie to me, would you?”

“What? Hell no!” I sit back, shocked he’d even ask.

“Then tell me whether Drake also shares these feelings, or if I need to kill him for touching her.”

My breath leaves my lungs and Ben goes pale. He sputters, then manages to blurt. “Y-Yes, he does. He’s pretty much as wrecked as we are. It was his idea that we even tell you the truth.”

“Yeah, definitely no need for killing to happen,” I say, feeling like an idiot the second the words are out. But Arturo’s dark look still terrifies me, and I worry for all our lives despite the positive reaction to what Ben and I just confessed.

“And you two have no issues with this fact?”

I swallow, looking to Ben to answer for us both, since he has far more at stake than I do. His cheeks turn red and he clears his throat. I can practically hear the gears turning as he prepares to answer.

“Drake and I … well, let’s just say we have more common ground than our feelings for Elle. We’re fully invested.”

I’m on the verge of a panic attack. The knowledge that our former boss was at one point in a polyamorous relationship isn’t enough to settle my nerves. It’s barely a rumor, though Leo wouldn’t have lied to us about it, and the fact that he has zero issues with both his oldest daughter’s lovers living under his own roof should be enough confirmation. That doesn’t mean he’d be okay withanotherdaughter embarking on a similar relationship, and with three men instead of two.

Eventually Papá sighs and rises, heading inside. As he passes me, I swear I hear him mutter something in Spanish that sounds like, “Dios nos salve a todos de las mujeres testarudas.”

God save us all from headstrong women.



“I needto speak with my daughter alone,” Arturo says when he enters the lounge, the twins close behind. He looks Drake in the eyes, and I just know the twins told him the truth already. I suppose the fact that they’re still alive should be a good sign, but now I’m a bit terrified of what he wants to say tome.

Drake doesn’t budge, though. Instead he glances at me, gaze searching, as if he’ll stay put if I ask. I smile and nod. “I’ll be fine.”

He takes a breath, then nods and steps closer on his way past, bending to give me a quick peck on the cheek. He darts a challenging look at my father before disappearing back down the corridor with the twins.

“How much did they tell you?” I ask.

“Enough. But I know enough about my daughters not to test any of you. I made that mistake with Celeste, and I still regret it, even though she’s since forgiven me for what I did to Maddox. I didn’t believe he was worthy of her then, and while I stand by that assessment, I should not have hurt him.”

“Then why did you?” I ask, sitting back down for what I imagine might be a long conversation, if this is where he’s starting it.

He shakes his head, then spies the wet bar and walks to it, pouring himself a drink. “Would you like anything,mija?”

I glance at my Shirley Temple, then push it away. “Whatever you’re having.”

He pours two glasses and carries them over, handing me one before settling in the adjacent armchair. I take a fortifying sip, waiting for his answer.

He stares into his glass, enduring some kind of internal struggle before he looks up to meet my eyes. What I see is perplexing, though—his stern expression eases into one of wonder, and the utter adoration in his eyes hits me at my core. He doesn’t even need to explain now, but I still listen.

“Because I believed he was his father’s son—that he would treat her the way Julian Santos treated your mother—and I could not allow that to happen.”