“Jesus. Are you serious? What kind of sick fuck…”
“Maddy, please just tell Papá Flores? We need to find out who it is before tomorrow.”
“Fine. No wonder he moved you to the yacht—that was good thinking. I’ll relay the message and tell Arturo to call you back.”
Relieved, I thank him, then hang up. Baz is no longer banging on the door. Hopefully he’s given up, but I have a feeling I’ll catch hell from both brothers before too long.
I go back to the bathroom and debate taking the plug out again. If Drake keeps doing what he did last night, his fingers will be enough preparation. But I want him to know I’m all-in with his fantasy of sharing me with Ben, and of watching me with the twins.
I stare at my phone, waiting for it to ring again. When it does, it’s a familiar number, but when I pick up, it isn’t my father’s voice I hear.
“Hey, sweetie. Mad said things got complicated down there, so I called to see if you need to talk.”
I didn’t expect Celeste’s sweet, smooth voice, and I’m pissed at Mad for bringing her into this, but I’m still pleased to hear from her. It’s strange suddenly having sisters now after growing up with four older brothers.
“Hi, Celeste,” I say, then sigh. “What did Mad tell you? If it’s what I think, then you tell him he’s no longer my favorite brother.”
I hear her muffled voice relaying my message, then a deep male laugh in the background, and my brother retorting from a distance, “I was never her favorite brother, and she knows it!”
“Did you hear that?” Celeste asks, laughter in her voice.
“Fine. Second favorite.”
“So he filled me in on your situation. I just wanted to check in, for my own reasons.” Her voice lowers and I hear a door close. “Mad seems to think something might be going on between you and Drake. He doesn’t think you’d tell him if he asked.”
I grit my teeth. “Did he put you up to this? If he really wants to know, he should’ve just asked. I won’t lie to him.”
“Between you and me, I don’t think hewantsto know. He respects Drake, but he also loves you and has a hard time imagining you grown up. But I admit, I want to know. There were some interesting dynamics happening those few days we were there. Not just between you and Drake, but you and the twins too. If it’s what I think… well, I just want you to know that you can talk to me.”
“So you think just because they wanted to keep me safe, that we’re, what? Having wild orgies together?” The fact that wewereis beside the point. I don’t see how anyone would automatically leap to that conclusion. Except maybe Celeste—she’s crazy intuitive and observant. She once told me that she would never have pushed Leo and Maddox together if she didn’t sense Leo’s interest in the idea.
“I didn’t say that. I know Baz and Ben have a thing for you and have for a long time. That’s why I suggested to Papá that they move down there to take over as bodyguards for you. They needed space from him after what happened, not to mention it was time for them to leave the nest, so to speak. Even though they lived in the guest house with Elena, this place was getting crowded.”
“It was your idea?” I ask, blinking in surprise.
“I’ve been known to have one or two good ones. So, are your brother’s instincts wrong? If so, I’ll back off.”
“Promise you won’t tell him, or any of my family, okay? I don’t want to deal with the judgment. Not until I’m ready, anyway. It’s all so new.”
I move back into the bedroom and settle on the bed, picking absently at one of the embroidered gold swirls on the bedspread.
“Sister code prevents me from saying a thing, sweetie. I’ve kept Toni’s secrets all our lives, even before I knew we were related.”
I swallow and brace myself, but I’m comforted by her promise, and a little relieved that I can talk to her about this. “Something did happen. It wasn’t really intentional… I mean, I didn’t expect it. Drake and I started, um,playing? I guess that’s the right word. He’s a little kinky, but not in a hardcore way. It was exciting, and I feel safe with him, especially here on his yacht. But before we could do anything, Ben… He has night terrors. Did you know that? Ever since that night when Leo was shot.”
I hear a sharp intake of breath, and Celeste says, “Ay Dios. Poor boy. It never occurred to me how that night must have affected them. Is he okay? What about Baz?”
“Baz is fine, as far as I know. And at least Ben didn’t wake up screaming last night. I should know, because I was in bed with him. All four of us shared a bed last night, actually.”
I dive right into more without giving her a chance to answer. “Is that completely crazy, Celeste? For me to be in love with three men? I mean, Baz and Ben seem like a no-brainer. They’re practically my best friends now and have been ever since Rose went off to school in Arizona and we lost touch. But I didn’t even know how they felt until yesterday.
“And Drake… I was just having fun, but I really, genuinely have feelings for him too. He understands me. All three of them know me in different ways, understand different parts of me, but they all make me feel so amazing. Though Baz is super-pissed right now because I called. I don’t want Papá to know about us, but Ihaveto find out if he can help.”
Celeste lets out a soft laugh. “Okay, just slow down and let me process everything. I think it’s wonderful that you have three men who adore you, who understand you. I’m a little envious, but I’ll be honest, even havingtwoboyfriends is a challenge. It helps that Mad and Leo are as into each other as they are into me—it takes some of the pressure off. But as long as all three men are as devoted to you as it seems they are, and as long as you communicate, I think you can work any issues out.
“Just remember to give yourself space to be you too, okay sweetie? It’s probably tricky, under the circumstances, but when this threat has passed, you don’t want to lose yourself. Hold onto what matters to you.”
I heave a breath and nod. “That’s good advice. Thank you. Finishing school and getting my MBA means everything. I love working with Drake, so maybe I’ll keep doing that, but I’ll keep my options open if it helps balance things out. Assuming they want to stay in a relationship like this. It’s wonderful now, but I admit I can’t quite envision how it would work long-term.”