Baz shares a look with Elle, then nods. “Yeah, but I didn’t hold it inside. I talked to Elle about it, even though I probably shouldn’t have burdened her with it. I was also driving the car that night. Ben was the lucky one who got to hold Manny’s dead body in the back seat while we drove to get help.”

I wince, the fact sinking in that our experiences are vastly different, though obviously no less traumatizing.

“Whatever you do, don’t pull away, please.” Elle cards her fingers through my hair and holds on, forcing me to turn my head to face her. “You’re not alone. Neither of you. If you don’t want to see a therapist, Baz and I will listen, won’t we?”

I look at Baz, who’s giving me a solemn stare. He presses his lips together and nods, then squeezes my calf through the sheets. “Whatever you need. We’re in this together now. As far as I’m concerned, we’re partners.”

I can’t help but lift an eyebrow at that, and he immediately narrows his eyes and points at me. “My ass isnotan option. I figure you’ve got enough to keep you satisfied between Elle and Ben. But if you need to talk, I’m here for you.”

“That actually means a lot. Thank you, man.”



Drake is backto normal the next morning, or at least putting on a good show. He’s all business, though, rising at the crack of dawn and disappearing for an hour while I lounge in bed with the twins. We don’t fool around, all three of us agreeing that we’re pretty well spent and that my vagina needs a rest, but I indulge myself in some quality naked snuggling between my two big bodyguards.

Drake returns later, drenched in sweat and flushed from a workout. He pauses and gives the three of us an affectionate look as he pulls off his T-shirt and strips naked.

“This right here is a dream come true, I hope you guys realize that.” He waves a finger at the three of us. “I’d join you again, but we have work to do today. Also, I don’t want to alarm you, but I got another email this morning. This one wasn’t just a threat of blackmail. Seems like whoever is after me has upped the ante.”

Baz bolts upright. “Please tell me you’re not saying you got adeath threat.”

Drake’s silent, tight-lipped look is all we need in response. My stomach clenches.

Baz leaps out of bed and hunts for his pants. “That’s it. We have to cancel the gala.”

“Not an option,” Drake says. “I want to know who this bastard is, and we all know the best way to flush him out is to show up like nothing’s wrong. Security will be tight. I trust you guys to keep anything bad from happening.”

Ben joins Baz in dressing, but stops and stares at Drake, shaking his head. “The best way to protect the principal is not to allow them into dangerous situations to begin with. And if whoever it is means what they say, then they’ll exploit the first opportunity to do it.”

Drake sets his jaw, hands on his hips.

I sit in the middle of the big bed, sheet clutched tight to my chest. “Please, Drake, we can find another way. With more time, we could learn the person’s identity and track them down.”

“And give them a chance to learn we’re onto them? We still have the element of surprise. I don’t want to lose that. You guys know I’m right.” He meets each of the twins’ gazes, and they let out identical curses.

“Fine. But we’ve barely made a dent in that guest list, and we have a lot to go if we’re going to find a lead before the gala tomorrow. I’ll meet you guys at breakfast.”

He disappears and I slip out of bed too, following Drake toward the bathroom. “Are you sure you won’t reconsider?”

“You can stay here if you’re scared,” he says, “but I want this over.”

I sigh and slip close, wrapping my arms around his neck and holding him tight. “Want company at least? We can wash your back.”

He lifts an eyebrow at me, then glances at Ben past my shoulder before turning to size up his shower. “There’s room, but I’m a little too distracted to enjoy it today. Raincheck?”

Ben chuckles. “It’s okay. You two have fun. I need to get a workout in before breakfast anyway. I want to fly back to the venue to triple-check security for tomorrow. If we’re not calling it off, it needs to be tight as a drum.”

When he slips out the door, I look at Drake, who’s standing naked in the bathroom doorway. He nods and enters, turning on the shower, then climbing in. He stands with his back under the spray, holding the door open for me with one arm.

“Guess they’re fine with us being alone,” I say, padding over to step into the spacious stall.

There are three showerheads—one on either side and a rainfall showerhead above—and more than enough room for all four of us, which could be fun another day. But like Drake, I’m a little too distracted to really enjoy that level of fun with all of them right now.

I peer into his eyes, searching for any residual torment from his nightmares, or from the death threat this morning. He’s slightly more subdued than usual, but gives me an amused smirk.

“I’m not fucking you without them here,” he informs me. “No matter how much you beg.”