Beatrice put an arm around Charlotte.“I know it’s hard, but I promise being a wolf mom is a special gift,” she murmured. “Although, if you have a boy, be prepared for him to pee on everything.”

“I heard what happened to your husband.” Ares’ father had been shot by a hunter.

“He knew better than to be running around in fur during hunting season. We own a large property for a reason, but for some reason, that night, he went elsewhere.”

Charlotte wouldn’t let Greta make that mistake.

She stood watching as the wolves barked and raced in the snow, but all too soon, they headed into the forest, a safe section according to Gramps.

Despite planning to stay up until they returned, Charlotte fell asleep on the couch and woke to cold hands on her cheeks.


“Munchkin.” Charlotte roused immediately. “How was it?”

Greta grinned. “I howled at the moon.”

“You had fun?”

“The best. But it’s not fair.”

“What isn’t?”

Greta’s lips turned down. “Girls can’t pee on trees.”

To which Ares, who entered the living room wearing a robe, laughed. “How about I pee on them for you?”

And that was how her day ended. In a relationship with a werewolf, the mother of a puppy, crazy happy, and in love.

Best Christmas ever.


Greta carefully balancedthe tray as she entered the bedroom. Grandma Bee—because she was the honey-bee lady—had helped her prepare the special breakfast and then carried it up the stairs. But Greta wanted to be the one to present it.

She wobbled only slightly as she brought it to the bed holding her mama and Ares.

Mama’s eyes popped open, and she smiled. “Morning, munchkin.”

“Happy Valentine’s Day,” Greta announced as she held up the tray. It wobbled and almost tilted over.

Ares bounced out of bed, no shirt but pants on. He and Mama always wore pajamas, not like the first time she found them naked in bed.

“Let me help you, princess.” He set the tray on Mama’s lap before turning to grab her in a big hug. “Happy Valentine’s Day to my special lady,” he murmured, nuzzling his nose against hers.

She giggled. “I’m a little girl, not a lady.”

“Actually, you’re my princess, and as the special royal in my life, I got you a present.”

“Oooh.” She couldn’t help but coo in delight.

“Sit beside your mom while I grab it.”

Mama snuggled Greta into her side as she chewed on some bacon. Ares returned with two boxes, a little one for mama, a large one for her.

Greta smirked at her mom. “Mine’s bigger.”

Mama snorted. “I noticed.”