Charlotte hadn’t realized just how cold she was until she began to thaw. She took off the layers and gratefully cradled the cup of hot cocoa with a shot of something that warmed the belly.

Grams had Greta wrapped in a big blanket by the woodstove with a cup of something steamy. Athena rolled her eyes as Derek quietly harangued her. But where was Ares?

She went into the hall to see him slipping up the stairs, a blanket around his hips.

“Why are you sneaking off?”

He glanced at her. “Just getting some clothes.”

“Thank you for what you did.”

“As if I’d let anyone hurt princess.”

“Did you know about…” She couldn’t quite say it.

He shook his head. “My wolf did, but I didn’t clue in what it was telling me.”

“Guess that explains why you bonded so quickly.”

His lips quirked. “You don’t think it was my charm and good looks?”

She laughed. “Oh, that most definitely helped.”

“Are you okay?” he asked in a more serious tone.

“Surprisingly, I think I am.”

“And if I say she might shift again tomorrow night on the full moon…”

She blinked. “I forgot it was coming. You think she’ll do it again so soon?”

He shrugged. “Maybe. Some shift on the full moon from birth. Some don’t grow into it until their teens.”

“But she didn’t have a moon today and still changed. All of you did.”

“It’s possible, but not everyone can do it. Most require strong emotions. Like Selene, she shifts when she’s mad. Athena really has to make an effort.”

“Not you?”

“Not me.”

“Will you teach Greta about being a lycanthrope?” She used the new unfamiliar term so as to not insult.

“It would be my pleasure.”

“And me? Will you also show me how to support her?” She paused before softly adding, “And you?”

He forgot about getting dressed as he came back down the few steps to stand in front of her and murmur, “It would be my utmost pleasure.”

She gazed at him. “I’m really happy you stalked me, Ares McMurray.” She said it before she could lose her nerve.

“Me too, Charly.”

He kissed her, a soft sweet and tender kiss interrupted by a child, who hollered, “Mama, Grams is roasting hotdogs in the fireplace. Come see!”

Ares sighed. “Guess I’d better get used to being cock-blocked.”

She stroked his cheek. “Only until she goes to bed.”