Derek finally whispered, “Doesn’t sound like there’s anyone there.”

“What do you mean?” Had the squirrel led them wrong?

Derek flipped on his light and forged ahead with her huffing to keep up with her own bobbing light.

When they emerged into a small clearing, it took a moment for their flashlights to steady enough to see.

In the glare, they saw them, three wolves, the two larger beasts keeping the little one tucked between them. A little pup that stared at her with big eyes.

Until that moment, Charlotte had not been sure how she’d react. Her child was a lycanthrope. A werewolf. A beast that likedto hunt—and kill. An anomaly that would be in danger if the wrong people—aka the government—ever found out.

But the little wolf was also Greta. Her sweet baby girl who’d been a blessing and a joy. Seeing her, tiny body shaking, eyes big and sad with trepidation, Charlotte realized she was still the same baby she’d always loved.

“Munchkin!” She dropped to her knees and held out her arms, and the little wolf barreled across the snow and slammed into her.

Charlotte laughed as she fell on her butt in the snow with Greta atop her, tail wagging, body wiggling, tongue licking the salty tears from her chapped cheeks. She’d not even realized she’d begun crying.

“Goodness, you’re a squirmy little puppy. Does this mean you’re going to stop asking for a dog?” she quipped.

The wolf puppy suddenly transformed into a very naked child, who replied, “I’d rather have a squirrel.”

“Of course, you would.” Charlotte laughed.

“Here, put this on.” Derek had the pack open and pulled forth some clothes. Charlotte dressed her child, keeping her focus on Greta rather than the other two wolves, one of them quite large.

Sweater, pants, socks, boots, coat, hat, mitts. Soon Greta was dressed and grimacing. “It’s so much harder to move in this. I should have stayed a wolf.”

Derek had left her side to deal with Athena, who also transformed to get dressed, leaving only Ares in wolf shape. He sported thick dark fur, unlike his sister’s snowy coat and Greta’s grayish one, his size more on par with a pony than a dog, which made sense given his weight as a man. He eyed her warily. With reason. He knew how she felt about Barry—and why. Barry had been a sadistic killer. A bully. A fraud who’d hidden his dark side.

But Ares wasn’t anything like him.

Ares had been nothing but kind to her. Had taken care of them. Had charged into danger to save her child.

It took less nerve than expected to approach him. To reach out and stroke the hair on his head.

“Scratch him behind his ears if you wanna get his leg thumping,” Athena stated.

With that advice, she did, and not only his leg went nuts, but his tail did, too. Greta joined her, murmuring, “Ares saved me, Mama. Him and Athena.”

“I know. I owe them my deepest gratitude.”

Greta hugged the giant wolf. “He’s a hero. Wish he was my dada.”

Speaking of whom, while Charlotte spotted some red splotches in the snow, and two dead wolves, neither appeared to be Barry.

She glanced at Athena and mouthed,Where’s Barry?

Athena’s lips moved.Dead.

Good. At least she wouldn’t have to worry about him coming after Greta anymore. As for the fall-out if his body were discovered… She’d deal with it if and when it happened. Was it wrong to feel relief her child’s father had perished? Probably, but she honestly didn’t care, not after what he’d done.

A furry head nudged her hand, and the expression in Ares’ eyes spoke to her.You’re safe.

For the first time in a while, she no longer had to run or hide.

“Let’s head back to the house,” Derek stated. “Sorry, bro, but the pack didn’t have room for more stuff, so you’ll have to four-leg it.”

Ares took the lead, trotting with his tail high, unerring in his path but also accommodating. While he could move quickly, a stumping Greta and Charlotte couldn’t. By the time they emerged from the forest, the thick falling snow had tapered to a light sprinkle. Lanterns had been lit and placed outside thehouse, giving them a warm welcome. Although the heat inside proved to be the best thing of all.