He glanced at Derek. “I expect you’re coming too. Be sure to bring a gun, along with a pack of warm gear for Greta and Athena.”

“You aren’t carrying anything?”

“Kind of hard since I’m going on four feet.”

He heard Charlotte’s sharp inhalation. “So it’s true?”

Ares feared looking at her and seeing the condemnation. He now understood her terror of her ex. Would she be scared of him too? “Yeah. I’m a lycan but…” He dared to glance at her. “Nothing like that fucker.”

“I believe you,” her faint reply. “Can you find Greta?”

“I won’t come back without her,” he swore. “Now if y’all don’t mind, I am going to get naked.”

He could have hidden to change. After all, he’d been concealing this side of himself his whole life from everyone but his immediate family. But these people were family now too, and Charlotte needed to see his wolf wasn’t something to be feared. He wanted—make that needed—her to accept him as he was.

So behave,he warned his other half as his fingers made quick work of his clothing.

She shall see and admire my prowess,his conceited wolf declared.

Or she’d scream.

Hopefully, the former.

The biting wind stung the skin and whipped it with snow, a discomfort that lasted only seconds as he willed his beast to come forth. It didn’t take much coaxing. Unlike his sisters, Ares had always had excellent control when it came to shifting. He could even fight the lure of moonlight—he just usually chose not to.

He hit the ground on four paws and gave himself a shake to loosen his fur. More a passenger than the driver in this shape, but he trusted in his beast.

Find the pup.

With one last glance at Charlotte, who stared wide-eyed but thankfully not cringing, he set off.

He trotted quickly, noting the tracks filling rapidly with snow. Paw prints, large male ones, alongside a smaller set thatbelonged to Athena, but it was the sight of the tiny imprints that jarred most.

Princess was a wolf like him. No wonder they’d established a bond so quickly.

Told you: Pup.

Ares hadn’t taken his beast literally.

Couldn’t you smell it?

No. Greta seemed like a normal child. Then again, all lycanthropes passed as human on the outside. It took analyzing their DNA at a deeper level to spot the difference.

As Ares entered the woods, the whipping snow diminished, but so did visibility. Good thing he didn’t need his eyes to track. His nose only had to occasionally dip, the recent lingering scents guiding his steps. A distant bark perked his ears. Barry had three others with him. Four against one. Ares liked the odds. For himself at least. Athena, while tough, was no match for four full-grown males.

When he heard snarling up ahead, his pace quickened. A sharp-pitched yip raised his hackles.

The pup is in danger.

No shit. He brushed past some snowy bushes to see a fight happening. Athena held the high ground, standing atop a large rock, her white fur blending against the snowy backdrop. She appeared uninjured, no red streaking her flanks, and her eyes blazed with anger. Standing behind her, shivering and yet standing brave, a little wolf.


The pup.

Facing off against them, four mangy curs. The biggest one snarled and barked at Athena, but each time he went to approach the rock, she swung her head low and snapped her teeth.

She’s fierce.His wolf approved.