No, he was the god in this scenario. His body a work of art. She reached for his belt buckle and undid the loop, then the button fly. His erection bulged against the front of his navy-blue briefs.
Soon he stood there only in his underclothes, his penis technically hidden but also clearly outlined.
He nudged her knees with his muscled leg. They parted, and as he knelt between them, she lay back on the bed. He didn’t cover her immediately. He leaned down and pressed his mouth to her thigh. Left, then right. Again, only higher, an anticipatory touch that had her shivering.
His lips teased the inner flesh of her legs, so close to the part of her that quivered with need.
When he pressed his mouth against the cotton gusset of her panties, she arched and uttered a cry, which immediately had her shoving a fist into her mouth lest she wake Greta.
He nuzzled her, teased her through the fabric until she whimpered. Only then did he tug the panties with his teeth, removing them and thus baring her to his view.
But not for long, as he returned with his mouth to kiss her in that most intimate of places. His tongue teased apart her nether lips and lapped.
She clutched at his comforter and gasped and writhed and squirmed. Masturbating just didn’t give the same level of pleasure as another person’s touch. And it had been so long.
When he flicked her clit, she clenched and came, a small orgasm that left her shuddering.
And embarrassed.
But he chuckled. “There’s number one out of the way.”
Wait, one?
He wasn’t done with her. He kept teasing her pussy, flicking her clit, sucking it, teasing the opening to her sex until she felt her pleasure tightening again.
She’d not even thought that possible.
When he stopped and moved off the bed, she uttered a soft sound of dismay, but he rumbled, “Just getting a rubber.”
The wrapper crinkled as he tore it open, and she rose enough to snag it from his grasp. She was the one to tug down his briefs. His cock sprang forward, eager to meet her.
She grabbed it, and Ares threw his head back and grunted. “Don’t play with it too much. I don’t know how long I can hold on.”
Sexiest thing a man ever said to her. She rolled the condom onto his thick shaft, taking her time stretching the latex over it, squeezing it and enjoying his hissing reaction and the jerk of his hips.
She lay back down and beckoned. “Come here.”
“With pleasure,” he murmured, covering her body with his own but not crushing her with his full weight. He braced his arms on either side as he leaned in for a kiss. An embrace of such pure sensuality she clenched and writhed under him. The tip of him nudged her sex, and she arched to welcome him inside. He slid in slowly, stretching her, filling her. Torturous pleasure.
When he was fully seated, she couldn’t help but tighten her muscles around him, feeling his shaft pulsing.
A glance at him showed his expression intent, taut, strained, as if he held back.
She reached for him and drew him down for a kiss, and he sighed as he began to pump, a slow rhythm to start. Seesawing in and out. Rubbing her just right. The deep part of his thrust touching a spot that had her gasping.
He kept stroking, his pace getting faster, and she grabbed at his back, dug her nails in, and urged him on. Urged him to thrust harder, quicker. Her pleasure built for a second time, tightened until she exploded, her cry of climax caught by his lips. She shuddered as she came and kept coming, the orgasm that wouldn’t end and left her limp.
Only then did he hold himself deep inside, uttering a grunt as he came before he collapsed atop her, breathing hard.
He didn’t stay atop for long. He rolled and took her with him so she lay nestled on his chest. “Wow.”
“Very wow,” she agreed.
His hand lazily stroked up and down her bare back. “I knew it would be good… but damn.”
She giggled. “That was insane.” She lifted her head to eye him. “Will it always be that incredible?”