“Hey, munchkin. How was your day?”

“Awesome.” Greta proceeded to chatter about it.

Charlotte did her best to reply and pay attention, but her gaze kept straying to the sexy man leaning against the doorjamb wearing worn jeans that hugged his thighs and a plaid shirt stretched across that wide chest. Even his bare feet were sexy. To make things even worse, he gave her the most seductive, panty-wetting smile.

Ares winked and mouthed, “Welcome home.”

For the first time ever, it sure felt like it.

“Come inside, Mama. Dinner’s almost ready. I helped Ares make it.” Greta tugged her by the hand.

As she entered, she peeled off her coat, and Ares hung it and her bag on the hooks in the front hall. He then pointed to some knitted slipper socks as she kicked off her boots. “Mom left those for you. There’s also a hat, scarf, and mitten set.”

“She didn’t have to buy me things.”

“Actually, she made them. She sells knitted goods, along with honey and pies in her store.”

“When you speak to her, please say thank you.”

“Look what Selene gave me from when she was little.” Greta dragged her into the living room, where a miniature crib sat beside a wooden highchair holding a plastic doll. “Her name is Pansy.”

“She’s very cute.”

“Of course, she is. She’s my baby,” Greta said with a sober nod.

“Hungry?” Ares asked.

Yup, but not only for food.

Greta skipped ahead into the kitchen hollering, “I’m gonna get the cheese from the fridge.”

Before Ares could follow, Charlotte grabbed his hand and held him back.

He eyed her. “You okay? You seem a little stunned. I know we might have gone a bit overboard.”

“You did, but not in a bad way. Thank you. I’ve never seen her so happy.”

“I don’t think that kid is ever sad.”

“She’s pretty good-natured, but this…” Charlotte waved a hand. “When we did the big move, we had to leave most of her toys behind, and while I’d planned to replace them, the money just hasn’t been there.”

“More important than things, she had you,” his soft murmur. “I should be so lucky.”

She stepped closer. “Why, Ares McMurray, are you trying to say you want me?”

He uttered a low rumbly sound. “More than you could imagine.”

She tilted her chin to look him in the eye. “And what would you do if you had me?”

His arms went around her and tucked her close to his body as he growled, “Make you the happiest woman alive.”

He then kissed her, a press of lips that stole her breath—and heart. A kiss that ended too soon as he whispered, “While I’d love to take you upstairs right now, I get the feeling Greta might interrupt.”

“I’m surprised she hasn’t?—”

Right on cue… “Are you guys coming? I’m hungry.”

He chuckled. “Finish this later?”