“Cows give milk, not goats, silly,” Greta scoffed.
“Greta!” Charly exclaimed.
Ares laughed. “Lots of people think that. If we get enough, I’ll show you how I prepare it to make cheese.”
“Mmm. Cheese.” Greta rubbed her tummy.
Ares grabbed their bag from the trunk and motioned to the house. “Get ready for a warm welcome. Mom is over the moon you’re coming to stay. She was even ready to cancel her cruise with Selene.”
“Oh, don’t let her do that.”
“I won’t.” He chuckled. “Told you she’d be fine with you guys staying.”
As they entered, he smelled cookies baking, heard soft Christmas music playing, and saw Selene pop out of the living room with a cheerful, “Welcome!”
“Thank you for letting us stay. We’ll try to not intrude.” Charlotte had that tense look about her again, and Ares slid his arm around her shoulders for a squeeze.
“Not intruding. Adding joy,” he stated.
The usually precocious Greta tucked against his legs and looked wide-eyed at the biggest nutcracker Mom owned. A hockey player that always had the prime spot in the front hall.
“That’s a big nutcracker,” Greta whispered.
“Say hello to Jean Guy. Mom’s first nutcracker. Dad found it for her.”
“He’s missing a tooth.” Greta pointed to the black spot in Jean Guy’s grin.
“Just like the real thing,” Ares noted.
“Wait until you see the other ones,” Selene exclaimed. “I bought the ugliest nutcracker of the bunch. Come see.” She held out her hand, and Greta gripped it, skipping into the living room for a peek.
“Ugliest, and yet she sounds proud,” Charlotte murmured.
“Remember that sibling rivalry we spoke of? Poke your head into the living room.”
Charlotte did and turned on him with a rounded mouth. “You guys bought those… those…”
“Hideous nutcrackers. Hell yeah, we did.” He grinned. “I’m especially proud of the lumberjack, since he looks like dad.”
“Your dad was hideous?”
He chuckled. “No, but the wooden version of him is pretty funny-looking. Come on. Let’s go find my mom.”
Mom wiped her hands on a towel as they entered the kitchen and beamed. “Hello! You must be Charlotte. I’m Beatrice, but you should call me Bea.”
“Nice to meet you. Thank you for your hospitality.”
“Oh goodness, it’s no problem at all. Delighted we can help. Cookie?” Mom, who’d not only managed the quickest Christmas decorating of all time, had also baked. She held out a freshly made, still-hot-from-the-oven chocolate chip cookie.
Charlotte took it and had a bite. Groaned. “Good grief that’s good.”
“The best,” Ares agreed, grabbing three and shoving a full one into his mouth. “Mom’s a great cook.”
“Where’s the princess? I can’t wait to meet her.” Mom stacked some cookies on a plate and poured a glass of milk before hurrying to the living room.
Charly glanced at him. “You weren’t kidding about them being happy about us staying over.”
“Mom loves kids. She’d have had more than us three if her uterus would have cooperated. She had to get it removed after Selene due to complications.”