Page 81 of Emi's Hero

“Hey!” Ace yelled, racing toward the men.

Jasmine used the distraction to twist and kick the man on her right in the groin. When he doubled over, she brought her knee up, slamming it into his face.

The injured man released her arm.

Jasmine turned to the other man, but not soon enough. He backhanded her on the side of her face hard enough to send her flying.

As she fell backward, the man grabbed the satchel and yanked, pulling it over her head as she fell hard against the wall of a building.

Clutching the satchel like a football, the man ran. His partner staggered to his feet and followed.

Ace would have gone after them but was more concerned about Jasmine.

The men ran to the end of the street. A car pulled up, they dove in, and, in seconds, they were gone.

Jasmine lay against the wall, her eyes closed, a red mark on her cheek where the man had hit her.

Anger burned in Ace’s gut. He wanted to go after the men and beat the shit out of them. But he couldn’t leave this injured woman lying in the street.

He knelt beside her and touched her shoulder. “Jasmine.”

Jasmine moaned, blinked her eyes open and stared up into his face, her brow furrowing. “Ace? What—” She glanced around, her frown deepening. “Where am I?” She met his gaze again. “Is it really you?”

His lips turned up on the corners. “Yes, it’s me. You’re in Jordan.” His brow dipped. “You were attacked.”

She pinched the bridge of her nose. “What happened?”

“Two men attacked you,” he said.

“Two men...” She shook her head slowly. “Jordan...” Then her eyes widened, and she looked around frantically. “My satchel! Where is my satchel?”

“The men who hurt you took it.”

She struggled to get to her feet. “Where did they go? I have to get it back.” As she stood, she swayed.

Ace slipped an arm around her narrow waist. “They’re gone.”

“No!” She raked a hand through her hair. “I need that satchel.” Jasmine pushed away from Ace and started running back the way they’d come, then stopped and looked over her shoulder. “Which way did they go?”

He tipped his head in the direction the men had gone.

When Jasmine turned in that direction, Ace stepped in front of her and gripped her arms. “They’re gone. You won’t catch up to them now.”

“Why didn’t you stop them? They stole my satchel!” She tried to shake off his grip on her arms.

His lips pressed together, and his grip tightened. “What was in the satchel, Jasmine?”

“Something important. I have to get it back. Please, let go of me.”

“Was the copper scroll in your bag?” he asked quietly so only she could hear his words.

Her gaze locked with his. For a moment, she hesitated, as if deciding whether or not to trust him. Then she nodded. “I had to take it. If I don’t get it back, someone I care about will die.”