Sara stood at his side, holding his hand, smiling up at the man who would become her Daddy that day.
Life didn’t get any better.
When her father turned her over to George, her soon-to-be-husband leaned forward and whispered. “Are you still with me?”
She smiled and answered, “Forever and always.”
New York Times&USA Today
Bestselling Author
As a mental healthcounselor and hypnotherapist, Sacchie Moore has witnessed the worst effects of drug addiction, mental and physical abuse on young people. After working with victims of violent crimes for the Honolulu Police Department, she finds herself the target of a stalker. To get away from the soul-sucking stress of her job and leave her stalker behind, she moved to the Big Island of Hawaii. There, she sets up her own practice, helping teens deal with addiction and abuse but on a much smaller scale.
Once again targeted by a mysterious stranger, Emi calls her friend with connections to the Brotherhood Protectors.
Tagged as the strong silent one, Teller Osgood might not joke around with the others, but he's fully committed to the team and would sacrifice his life for any of the men he calls brothers. Assigned to protect a pretty mental health counselor, he must face the demons of his childhood to expose the source of Sacchie's threats. In a race against time, Teller and Sacchie risk their lives and hearts to stop evil before he claims his next victim.
Preorder Sachie’s Hero
New York Times&USA Today
Bestselling Author
Hiringon with the Jordanian camera crew as their interpreter hadn’t been all that difficult. With Jasmine Nassar’s ability to speak Arabic in a Jordanian dialect and also speak American English fluently, she’d convinced the Jordanian camera crew she had the experience they needed to handle the job. However, the resume she’d created, listing all the films she’d worked on, had probably lent more weight to their decision.
Not that she’d actually worked on any movie sets. Her ability to “be” anything she needed to be, to fit into any character or role, was a talent she exploited whenever needed since she’d been “released” from the Israeli Sayeret Matkal three years earlier.
Her lip curled. Released was the term her commanding officer had used.Forced outof the special forces unit was closer to the truth. All because of an affair she’d had with an American while she’d been on holiday in Greece. Because of that week in Athens, her entire life had upended, throwing her into survival mode for herself and one other—her entire reason for being. The reason she was in Jordan about to steal the ancient copper scroll.
The Americans arrived on schedule for the afternoon’s shoot at the Jordan Museum in Amman, Jordan. The beautiful filmstar Sadie McClain appeared with her entourage of makeup specialists, hairstylists, costume coordinators, and a heavy contingent of bodyguards, including her husband, former Navy SEAL Hank Patterson.
Sadie was in Jordan to film an action-adventure movie. All eyes would be on the beautiful blonde, giving Jasmine the distraction she’d need to achieve her goal.
Much like the movie heroine’s role, Jasmine was there to retrieve a priceless antique. Only where Sadie was pretending to steal a third-century BC map, Jasmine was there to take the one and only copper scroll ever discovered. The piece dated back to the first century AD, and someone with more money than morals wanted it badly enough he’d engaged Jasmine to attain it for him.
Up until the point in her life when she’d been driven out of her military career, she’d played by the rules, following the ethical and moral codes demanded by her people and her place in the military. Since the day she’d been let go with a dishonorable discharge, she’d done whatever it took to survive.
She’d been a mercenary, bodyguard, private investigator and weapons instructor for civilians wanting to know how to use the guns they’d purchased illegally to protect themselves from terrorist factions like Hamas.
Somewhere along the way, she must have caught the eye of her current puppet master. He’d done his homework and discovered her Achilles heel, then taken that weakness in hand and used it to make her do whatever he wanted her to do.
And she’d do it because he had her by the balls. He held over her head the one thing that would make her do anything, even kill.