Page 57 of Emi's Hero

George sighed. “What do you want from me, Emi?”

Her brow wrinkled. “It’s been a long time since I’ve attempted to seduce a man. I’m not even sure how. I thought all I had to do was get naked and that would be enough.” Her lipstwisted. “But then you’ve seen me naked. I guess you weren’t impressed.” She sank deeper into the comforter. “Never mind. Ignore the idiot in the bed and close the door behind you when you run from the room.”

Emi pulled the comforter over her head.

George fought back the laughter bubbling up in his throat. He waited to see what she would do next, keeping a tight rein on the desire pulsing through his veins.

Emi had been trying to seduce him?

Holy hell.

She was succeeding more than she could possibly know or understand.

He was mere seconds away from taking her up on her offer.


Emi’s cheeksburned with mortification.

Why had she done her little striptease so soon after meeting this man?

He probably thought she was a filthy slut, going from Fallon to him so soon after being freed. Hadn’t he said she needed time to recover?

Hell. In her own way, seducing George was her attempt at self-recovery. She needed to know if making love with a man was even possible after being forced for so long. She worried that she would freak out if a man tried to touch her naked body.

That afternoon by the creek had given her a glimmer of hope and an idea of what was to come. She hadn’t freaked out. In fact, she’d been disappointed.

Disappointed that he’d stopped at a kiss.

She’d wanted so much more.

A few long moments passed.

She hadn’t heard the sound of his footsteps or the click of a closing door.

Emi strained to hear anything that would indicate George had left the room.


“Are you gone?” she called out from beneath the covers.

“Nope,” his muffled voice responded.

Emi groaned. “Are you just standing there judging me?”

“Nope, again.”

“Fine. Judge me.” She lay still, praying he’d leave so she didn’t have to face him in embarrassment.

More moments passed.

“Are you still with me?” she asked, remembering he’d asked her that a couple of times when she hadn’t thought she’d live to the next day, much less the next minute.

Footsteps sounded, coming nearer.

The comforter slid down her face until she saw George standing beside the bed, smiling gently down at her.

“Look, mister, I’m not asking for a pity fuck,” she said. “I thought we had a moment out there when we kissed. I guess I was wrong. Go away and leave me alone to get over my stupidity.”