Page 18 of Ink

“You didn’t think to tell me that?” she asked.

“I don’t tell anyone about my money, Charlie. And if you haven’t noticed, since I’ve met you, things have been a little chaotic,” he said.

She took a step back from him and he knew that he had hurt her feelings. He hated that he had accused her of bringing chaos into his life because it just wasn’t the way that he felt about her or the baby. He loved them both and losing them over his inheritance wasn’t part of the plan.

“I didn’t ask you to take care of me or Bethany,” Charlie said. “If we’re so much trouble, why not just kick us out?”

“Because I’m in love with you,” he admitted. Her gasp filled his small office and Ink hoped that his admission was enough to keep her from walking out on him. “I love you Charlie, and I love Bethany. I want us to be a family, honey.”

She swiped at the tears that fell down her soft cheeks and he hoped like hell that he was getting through to her. “Then, why wouldn’t you tell me about your inheritance or your grandfather?” she asked.

“I don’t talk about my grandfather because it’s still too painful. He raised me and losing him felt like I lost my whole life. That’s why I ended up here, in this little town, trying to start over. I decided to buy this place and turn it into a tattoo parlor because that’s what I used to do for a living—I just had to work for other people. Owning my place felt like a dream, and I had my grandfather to thank for everything.”

“I can’t understand why you wouldn’t tell me about the money,” she said again. “Did you think that you couldn’t trust me?” she asked.

“No,” he almost shouted. “I’d never think that. You’re one of the most trustworthy people that I’ve ever met, honey. I didn’t tell you because I don’t like telling anyone that I have so much money that I never have to work another day in my life. I keep that secret to myself, so people don’t look at me differently. I didn’t want you to think differently about me, Charlie,” he admitted. He could tell by the way that she looked at him that she already did.

Bethany started crying from the front room and Ink knew that detaining Charlie further, to convince her that he wasn’t trying to keep the truth from her, wasn’t going to happen. His time was up, and he just hoped that wasn’t the case for their relationship.

“I’m going to take Bethany home,” she whispered. “I just need some time to think.” He nodded and reached for her, but Charlie quickly pulled free from his grasp. “I just need time,” she repeated.

“Will I see you later?” he asked, worried that she’d go back to his place, pack her and the baby’s stuff, and take off.

“Yes,” she breathed, “I have nowhere else to go.” He let her go, knowing that there was nothing more that he could say to change her mind about leaving. Maybe some time was going to help her realize that he wasn’t intentionally trying to hide his money from her, but he was almost positive that it wouldn’t change the way that Charlie felt.


Charlie stood in the middle of the kitchen, not sure if she believed a word that Ink had told her. He had lied about the inheritance his grandfather had left him, so that made her believe that he was lying to her about other things. How could she ever trust him again? She needed time to figure all that out, but now, she needed to find a place to think things through, and Ink’s house wasn’t that place.

“I need to find another place to live,” she said, trying to ignore the worry and sadness she saw on his face.

“Where will you go?” he asked.

“I’m not really sure, but I can’t stay here. I’m taking Bethany and leaving, and I’ll figure out the rest as I go,” she said.

“Charlie, you’re blowing this inheritance thing way out of proportion. You’ve already said that you’re not interested in my money,” he reminded.

“I did, and I meant it too. I don’t care about the money that your grandfather left you. What I do care about is the fact that you lied to me for months now. If I stay with you, it will mean that I’m okay with you not telling the truth, and I’m not,” she admitted.

“I wasn’t lying to you,” Ink insisted. “I just didn’t tell you about something that really doesn’t matter to me. You and Bethany are who matter to me, honey.”

Hearing him say that made her heart break just a little bit more. He wasn’t making walking away from him any easier for her to do.

“Omission of an important fact is a lie,” she insisted. “You had so many chances that you could have told me about your inheritance, but every time that I asked you how you got your tattoo business off the ground, you said that you had scrimped and saved to open the place, but you used your grandfather’s money.”

“That he left me,” he reminded. “And I was able to spend the money any way that I want to.”

“I’m not saying that you can’t spend the money any way that you want to. I’m saying that not telling me about the money in the first place is the reason that I’m leaving you, Ink,” she said. “This is how things started with Zeb. He would lie to me, and when I’d question him about it, he’d get pissed off at me. Then, he started beating me. I won’t repeat that cycle with you.”

“I’m not your ex, honey,” he insisted. “I’ve already told you that. If you leave now, you and Bethany won’t have anywhere to go, and I know that’s not what you want. Let me find you a place to stay where you’ll be safe.” The offer that Ink was making her was one that she couldn’t pass up. He was right about her not wanting to put Bethany in danger, and living in her car would do just that. But she couldn’t stay with him now that she knew that he had lied to her. She’d never be able to respect herself again if she stayed with Ink.

“I can just stay at my sister’s,” Charlie insisted.

“Zeb is out of jail, and he’ll find you there,” Ink countered.

“And if he does, I have a restraining order in place and the police will come and arrest him,” she argued.

“It’s not always that easy, Charlie,” Ink grumbled. “What if he hurts you or Bethany before the cops can get there?” She had a feeling that they were going to keep going back and forth on the topic unless she gave in and let him find her a safe place until her court case with Zeb was over.