“Hangbokhae.” Telling him I’m happy in Korean, one of the first things I learned when he taught me, makes him smile. Stepping away, I look up at him and beam. “Jal ja.” I say goodnight and head upstairs.
“Kimchi, come!” Calling her from the landing, I wait as she runs up the stairs, her stumpy tail wagging.
Closing the door to my room, I wash up before crawling into bed. Exhaling as I snuggle in, Kimchi finds her way behind my knees. I envelop myself in the covers and smile. This bed is a dream and despite the happenings of the day, I feel okay, and that says everything about where I was at.
Picking up my phone, I set an alarm for seven a.m. before checking my messages. My group chat with the girls is quiet, but I didn’t tell the gals about the break-up so it’s not unexpected. I will message them tomorrow. But there are a couple messages from Jake.
Jake: Are you seriously not coming back? I cleaned up the kitchen. We can have a date night tomorrow. I didn’t realize it was that important to you.
Jake: Baby, we’ve been together for five years. How can you just spring this on me?
Barking out a laugh, I set my phone to do not disturb and lay it on the nightstand. Spring it on him? It goes to show how little he paid attention to the things I’ve said.
Taking a deep breath, I run through a to-do list in my mind until I finally start to doze off.
Parking outside Jake’s house shortly after ten, I’m relieved to see his truck is gone. When I woke this morning to more texts telling me he would change, I worried he would be waiting for me.
I take a deep breath before opening my door and getting out. Seeing the house doesn’t make me feel sad. It’s almost unnerving how at peace I feel, but I’m relieved that the decision has been easier than I had told myself it would be for the past year.
A vehicle pulls in next to me as I grab boxes and packing tape from my trunk. I tense, closing my eyes to prepare myself for what’s sure to be an awkward encounter. I give myself a mental squeeze before straightening to see who is there.
Owen grins at me from his open door. Gripping the back of my car, I sag in relief. “Oh my god, Owen, I was prepping for an awkward encounter with Jake.”
“Nah. Young Jae texted this morning to rally the troops. Adeline is following behind. She wanted to bring you food. Raelynn and Cam should be here shortly with Rae’s truck.” He pauses, glancing behind me. “And Young Jae just pulled up.”
Turning, I press my hand over my heart. I love my friends.
Young Jae hops out, grinning as he digs around and comes up with more boxes. “We’re not letting you do this on your own.”
“You guys are the best.” I smile, grateful.
Owen takes the boxes, and we head into the house. I’ve read enough stories online to be relieved that Jake didn’t change the locks, but based on his texts, I’m not overly surprised.
What does surprise me is the fact that the house is actually clean.
I come to a full stop in the kitchen. It’s spotless. And it’s never looked like this when I wasn’t the one who cleaned it.
Young Jae comes to my shoulder, murmuring, “Once doesn’t mean change.”
Turning, I nod my agreement. “I know. It’s too late.”
“Where do you want me to start?” Owen comes in.
I direct him and Young Jae to the living room for my books and a few pictures. I turn as the remainder of our group comes in, more boxes in hand. Adeline leads the way with a cake and carafe of coffee.
“I know I’m not the expert, but I wanted to provide sustenance.” Adeline sets everything down on the table, turning to take to-go cups and plates from a bag that Raelynn is carrying.
They open their arms and I rush in for a hug. “I’m sorry I didn’t message you yesterday. I just wanted to land and process.”
Rae scoffs. “Why are you apologizing? We’re just glad Young Jae had the sense to ask for help.”
Laughing, I pull away and start delegating tasks. I don’t have much, so once we clear out the closet and the rest of my things from the bathroom, grab the few appliances I added to Jake’s kitchen, and my stash of books and odd knickknacks, we’re done in less than two hours.
Eating cake in the house I’m moving out of feels too weird, so we all head back to Young Jae’s house.
By the time all my boxes are in Young Jae’s garage, we’re all starving. Owen offers to go to Cliff’s for burgers as we pile into the living room.