Page 41 of Stay With Me

Frowning, my hand pauses on Young Jae’s head. “Show up for what?”

“Wow. I never thought you would be so cold. Your dad’s funeral. Melaine said you said you were too busy to make it.”

My heart stops. My dad’s funeral. My throat constricts and my eyes fill with tears. “Excuse me? My dad’s dead?” My voice breaks, hand falling to the side as Young Jae bolts up, his hand reaching for mine.

Dead air. That’s all I hear, and then, “You didn’t know?” His voice is softer now, remorseful.

Tears start to fall and I gasp out, “No. Melanie never called me to tell me. Was he sick? Was it sudden? When did—”

My voice cuts out. Young Jae pulls me onto his lap, stroking my back.

“It was a sudden heart attack, last Tuesday. I’m sorry, Elise. I thought you knew. Melanie said she called you right away and you didn’t want to be there.” His voice lowers even more, almost sounding ashamed. “I know your relationship has been strained, so I didn’t question it.”

Scoffing, my tone is sharp as I respond, “It was strained because he constantly let Melanie put a wedge there. I only heard from him on Christmas and my birthday. I don’t remember the last time I saw him. But that doesn’t mean I would choose to miss his funeral. Choose to opt out of saying goodbye to the man I once looked to as the representation of what a man should be. At least until he decided to distance himself from me because of some bitch he decided to marry.”

The words are harsh and normally I would not speak so ill of someone, but I’m tired of holding my tongue when it comes to Melanie.

He apologizes, giving me the information for where my father is buried and the phone number for the lawyer who is handling his will. He says they haven’t done the reading yet, but to touch base so I can be there if I choose.

Hanging up, sobs wrack my body. I always imagined that one day I would be able to reconnect with my dad. That he would realize he can have a relationship with his daughter while maintaining his marriage. It didn’t need to be either or.

Rage sears through me at the fact Melanie didn’t bother to invite me to my father’s funeral, a burning feeling right in my chest as I feel hatred for the first time.

Young Jae is silent as he holds me, letting me feel all the feelings instead of trying to cheer me up.

“I can’t believe she would refuse me this. The chance to say goodbye. I knew she wasn’t a good woman, but I had no idea she would be this cruel. And then to lie about it.” Wiping my eyes, I meet Young Jae’s gaze. “I always thought we would figure it out one day.”

He nods, his expression serious. “It sucks to not get closure, and it’s appalling that Melanie would deprive you of the chance for that last goodbye.”

“The worst part is, I wouldn't have known if Uncle George hadn’t called me. I would’ve thought he just decided to never answer my calls or reach out even on holidays.” Curling into Young Jae, I feel everything drain out of my body. The anger, the sadness, I just feel numb.

His arms tighten around me and I feel his lips in my hair. “Why don’t we drive up there this weekend? You can have your moment.”

Nodding into his chest, I sigh. “And I guess I should contact the lawyer. Although I can’t see any reason to go to that meeting.”

“Call first and we can go from there, okay?”

Staying in his arms, I’m so glad he is home to be here with me. He holds me for a bit before I sigh.

Picking up my phone, I dial the number for the lawyer. The conversation is brief, but she encourages me to attend the meeting. I give her my email so she can send the information along.

After the call, Young Jae sets me on the couch, patting my lap so Kimchi comes to cuddle.

“I will be right back, okay?”

Nodding numbly, I pet Kimchi and close my eyes. I can’t believe my dad is gone.

Ten minutes later, Young Jae comes downstairs and lifts me into his arms. He carries me into the bedroom and through to the bathroom, where a bubble bath waits with candles lit.

“You relax, process, cry, or whatever you need. I will order in dinner and we can just veg out in any way you want. I will even do mud masks.” He kisses me gently on the forehead before leaving and closing the door behind me. Soft music starts to play through the speakers he has wired in nearly every room in the house.

Stripping down, I crawl into the bath and close my eyes. Somehow he managed to figure out what I need without me knowing.

Chapter Nineteen


YoungJaeparksbythe gates to the graveyard, shutting the car off and leaving us in silence. I always thought my dad wanted to be cremated, but I guess I really don’t—didn’t—know him anymore.