Jake moves to brush past me, continuing to ignore the chip bag on the floor.
I’ve had enough.
“No. We’re not. I’m done. I can’t keep having these same conversations over and over. It’s senseless when you clearly have a blatant disregard for how I feel.” Crossing my arms, I hold his gaze. “It’s over. I will pack some things for now and come back tomorrow for the rest of my belongings.”
He gapes at me. “Are you serious? Because I forgot date night?”
Scoffing, I press my fingers into my temples before staring at him incredulously. “If that’s what you need to think. I’m not wasting any more of my breath trying to help you understand.”
I turn, head to the bedroom, and pack some things into a bag. Enough to get me through the night. My entire body is calm, accepting. I thought there would be sadness, a question about whether this is the right choice, but nothing comes. Just relief. This has been a long time coming, but I just kept making excuses or feeling sad about the time devoted to a dead-end relationship.
Somewhere along the way I think I grieved this before I even knew it was a done deal.
Glancing around the room, there’s a small bookshelf that holds my books and that’s about it. The rest of the space is missing my personal touch. It doesn’t even feel like I’m saying goodbye to my space, my home. It feels like I’m leaving a hotel room I stayed in for a while.
I walk past Jake, who’s still standing bewildered in the middle of the living room, for the book I’ve been reading before passing him again and going to the door. Without a word, I slide my feet back into my shoes, grab the rest of the things I need from the closet, and head out the door.
Mindlessly I get in my car and drive. I did it. I can’t believe I did it. I’ve been thinking about ending my relationship with Jake for the past year, seriously considering it but struggling to take the leap. I don’t know what finally clicked, but I know that nothing is going to change, and I want a relationship like I see my friends have.
Owen dotes on Adeline, their love story one from the movies. And Cam and Rae, the way they found their way back to each other and managed to work through what felt impossible. Seeing them listen to each other and work on their relationship was the clarity I needed.
If Jake wanted to, he would’ve made the effort.
I didn’t even think about where to go, my body automatically bringing me here.
Parking my car, I stare at Young Jae’s house. The two-story is beautiful. I remember when he was designing this house, updating me as he worked and reworked until it was just right.
My clothes rub against me as I get out of my car. Shivering, I hope Young Jae is home. Even though I have a spare key, I would feel too weird to go inside and have a shower.
Ringing the bell, all the tension leaves my body when he opens the door, hair tousled and looking a little sleepy. His brows crease when he sees my bags and still wet clothes.
“I left Jake. Ended things. I’m just . . . done.” My voice is soft. And it feels weird to say those words without the emotion that usually comes with them. He stripped me of the last ounce of regard I had for our relationship.
Young Jae opens the door wide, stepping to the side. His tone is soft as he says, “Stay with me.”
Chapter Two
SteppingintoYoungJae’shouse, I sigh. My shoulders drop, the tension easing immediately, and the air feels clearer in my lungs. He shuts the door behind me, taking my bags.
“Make—” His words are cut off by a white blur wriggling at my feet.
Gaping, I stare down at an adorable Jack Russell Terrier. “Oh. My. God. Who is this?”
Dropping down, I pull the wriggling bundle of energy into my arms, giggling as the dog licks my neck.
“That’s Kimchi. She’s what I wanted to show you earlier.” Young Jae grins as I plop onto my butt, petting the excited dog. “She was dropped off as a stray at the vet clinic around a month ago. Cam tried to find the owner without success. So after getting some weight on her and taking care of some medical issues, I told him I wanted to adopt her.”
Kimchi curls up in my lap, huffing out a sigh as I stroke between her ears. “I’ve always wanted a Jack Russell,” I whisper.
“I know. I wanted to give her to you, but I remember you mentioning a couple years ago that Jake didn’t want a dog.” His voice is carefully neutral, which I appreciate in this moment. I don’t want to think about Jake. “Since you’re here, I want you to think of her as yours too.”
“I can’t believe you remember that.” Tears fill my eyes as I hunch over her and bury my face into her neck. Wiping my face, the dampness of my sleeve reminds me I still haven’t showered or changed.
Lifting Kimchi, I stand, slipping out of my shoes and putting them into the shoe rack by the door. I give her one last hug before setting her on the floor. Gesturing at Young Jae’s shirt, still warming me, I grimace. “I could use a hot shower.”
Young Jae grins. “Consider the bedroom across from mine as yours, the one with the full bathroom attached.”