‘Tired?’ Teresa passed her a mug.
Robyn shrugged. She hadn’t slept much last night; her encounter with Jasper playing over and over in her mind. Plus, the fact she now needed to find a few hundred pounds to get her car fixed... Still, Scott from the garage had towed it the few yards from the road into the garage for free and had promised her he’d do his best to keep the repair costs as low as he possibly could. ‘I just didn’t sleep much last night.’
‘And I bet this morning’s rush didn’t help either, then.’ Diane took a tentative sip of her coffee.
‘It’s decaf before you ask.’ Teresa laughed and leaned forward, resting her hand on Diane’s belly. ‘Only the best for this little one.’
Taking a huge gulp of coffee, Diane grinned. ‘I’ll just try to trick my brain into thinking it’s caffeinated, then. You know, as soon as I’ve had the baby, the first thing I want is the biggest, most caffeinated coffee I can get my hands on.’
Brooke wrapped her hands around her own mug. ‘Don’t worry, I’ll swing by the coffee shop on the way to visit you at the hospital and bring you one.’
Diane held up two fingers as she swallowed. ‘Two. No, make that three. Two for me and one for Harry.’
‘Consider it done.’ Brooke smiled. ‘Aw, I bet Harry can’t wait until the little one pops out.’
Diane grimaced. ‘I don’t think it’s as easy as popping it out, but I’ll bury my head in the sand on that part. But yes, he’s super excited. In fact, he’s driving me crazy with all the preparations.’
‘Didn’t you say he’s been painting the nursery?’ Teresa asked.
‘Umm, he’s painted it twice so far and has just brought another two tins of paint to do it again.’ Diane helped herself to a croissant and tore a piece off before popping it in her mouth. ‘Help yourself Robyn if you like?’
‘I’m okay, thanks.’ She was still full from the croissants she’d eaten after helping Elsie and Teresa with the morning’s baking.
‘He’s painted it twice? Why? What was wrong with it the first time?’ Brooke raised her eyebrows.
‘Nothing. He just didn’t like the shade of yellow. He said it was too bright.’ Diane shrugged.
‘And now he’s painting it again? What’s his excuse this time?’ Brooke shook her head.
‘Too pale so he’s planning on painting it brighter again and if you ask me, I’m almost certain the paint he’s bought this time around is the exact same shade of yellow he painted it in the first place.’
‘I wouldn’t complain. At least he’s doing it. Gavin doesn’t know one end of a paintbrush from the other. It’s me and the kids who decorate at our place.’ Teresa laughed.
‘Haha, no, I shouldn’t complain. I don’t think he’d ask me to help even if I wasn’t pregnant, though. He knows how rubbish I am.’ Diane finished the croissant.
Chapter Four
The kitchen door swung open, and Elsie walked towards the coffee and cake counter, putting down two large cakes before joining them. ‘Oh, a lull. Make the most of it, schools break up tomorrow.’
‘Noooo.’ Pushing her mug away, Diane placed her elbows on the counter and sank her head into her hands.
‘Yep, afraid so. And we all know what that means.’ Elsie chuckled as she rubbed Diane on the back.
‘No more morning lulls and being run off our feet,’ Diane groaned.
‘That’s right.’ Nodding, Elsie glanced around the group. ‘But me, Teresa and Brooke have had a word and you’ll be coming and helping me in the kitchen. I don’t want you getting tired being on your feet all day and upsetting the baby.’
Lifting her head, Diane frowned at Elsie as a look of horror swept across her face. ‘But I can’t cook.’
Chuckling, Elsie shook her head. ‘From the few times I’ve managed to coerce you into the kitchen, you’re not as bad as you think. Besides, they’ll be plenty of other things to keep you busy. for instance, decorating cupcakes and cookies and all sorts.’
Perking up, Diane grinned. ‘Oh, I can do that!’
‘I know you can, love.’ Elsie chuckled again. ‘We have the Christmas market in Trestow tomorrow, but Ian will stand in behind the counter with you, Brooke. I’ll try to get organised before we leave, but you’ll be okay helping Diane in the kitchen if needed, won’t you, Teresa? Molly and Wendy will be aboutto jump on the coffee and cake counter or help out too, as I’m pretty sure they just have the one client meeting tomorrow.’
‘Sounds good.’ Teresa nodded.
‘And, Robyn, would you like to come and help at the Christmas market with me, love? It’s always a great atmosphere.’ Elsie smiled.