‘True.’ His dad turned to Finn. ‘You go and help him, Finn.’
‘I will.’ Finn jumped up and patted his brother on the back as they walked through to the hallway. ‘Like I’d let you set it up on your own. One moment, though, let me just grab a quick glass of water.’
‘No problem.’ Waiting for his brother to disappear into the kitchen, Jasper then stepped towards her. ‘Thank you for coming. I hope you didn’t find it too awkward?’
Reaching out, she took his hands in hers. ‘You know what? I didn’t find it awkward at all. I mean, I so definitely thought I would. But I didn’t. I really enjoyed it.’
‘Good. That was what I’d hoped.’ Bringing his hand to her face, he traced his finger across her cheek and leaned in towards her.
Pulling back, Robyn smiled at him. ‘And yes, I noticed how everyone seemed to be having a good time. Genuinely, I mean. No fronts, or pretend niceties.’
Jasper grinned. ‘Mission accomplished; would you say?’
Without giving him an answer, she leaned back in and kissed him, bringing her hands up to her cheeks. Was it mission accomplished? Nope. Spending one hour in a house full of people having fun and being relaxed with each other wasn’t going to magically erase her past, of growing up with arguments galore and hidden tensions, but she supposed it was making her question her belief that the majority of people barely tolerated their own spouses and their own families.
Chapter Twenty One
‘Do you like my antlers?’ Pippa leaned down towards Robin from her position on top of Harry’s shoulders as she waved her felt antler headband towards her face.
‘I do. I think they’re great.’ Robyn grinned up at her as the band began playing the music to another carol and the crowd of people following them down the hill towards the beach began singing along once again. The whole street was packed full of local residents and visitors, right from one side of the road to the other, each holding a lovingly decorated paper lantern above their heads, the glow from them illuminating the thatched cottages as they passed.
‘Oi! Careful with your lantern, Pippa sweetheart.’ Teresa straightened her daughter’s lantern as Pippa settled back on top of Harry’s shoulders. ‘You’ll poke someone’s eye out with that if you’re not careful.’
‘Sorry, Mummy.’ Pippa shot her arm up as high as she could, the light from her lantern lighting up her grin. ‘Is that better?’
‘Perfect.’ Teresa nodded towards Harry. ‘You’re getting in some good practice there, aren’t you?’
Harry glanced up towards Pippa and chuckled. ‘Yes, I suppose I am. Although if I hadn’t agreed to Pippa’s wishes, then I’m not sure I’d be alive to see the birth of my own child.’
Teresa laughed. ‘That’s probably true. I’ll ensure Gavin takes you out for a drink to thank you!’
Harry grinned. ‘No need, but I certainly won’t turn down a drink, whatever the excuse.’
‘Umm, remember that promise you made me?’ Diane wrapped her arm around Harry’s waist and looked up at him, a smile dancing across her face.
‘Ahh.’ Slumping his shoulders, Pippa leaned forward before tapping him on the head until he righted himself again. ‘Sorry, Pip Squeak!’
‘It’s Pippa, not Pip Squeak.’ Pippa humphed, crossing her arms, her lantern swinging precariously close to Harry’s forehead. ‘Mummy, why does he always call me Pip Squeak?’
Chuckling, Teresa pulled up her daughter’s wellie boot, making sure it wasn’t about to fall off. ‘It’s a nickname, Pippa. You know that. You have nicknames for Harry, don’t you?’
‘Nicknames? More than one? Should I be worried?’ Harry grimaced.
‘Yes, you should be, Uncle Harry. You should be very worried because if you call me Pip Squeak one more time then I’m going to make get Hudson, Rueben and Toby to tickle you until you can’t breathe.’
‘Gulp. That’s me told...’ Harry paused dramatically, ‘Pip Squeak!’
Pippa drew in an audible breath. ‘That’s it! On Christmas Day when we all go round to Nanna Elsie’s for Christmas dinner. We’re going to tickle you again and again and again.’
‘Now, I’m for it.’ Harry laughed.
‘Anyway, back to the promise you’d made me.’ Diane spoke between singing the chorus toHark the Herald Angels Sing.
‘I had hoped you’d forgotten about that.’
‘Let me guess, Harry has promised not to drink while you can’t?’ Teresa pointed at him.
‘Exactly.’ Diane rolled her eyes. ‘I knew he wouldn’t make it.’