‘Oh, hi, Robyn.’

Lifting her head gingerly, Robyn smiled across the bar towards Richie. She hadn’t realised he worked here. ‘Hi, I didn’t realise you were working here. Thanks again for helping me the other day.’

‘No problem. Did you find the dog’s owner?’ Richie smiled.

‘Uh, yes, it’s Jasper’s dog.’ She used her thumb to point to Jasper who, having finally realised who he was now sitting next to, was following their exchange.

‘You helped find Dasher?’ Jasper frowned.

‘Yes, mate. I grabbed his lead as he ran past me down the hill.’ Richie glanced at the clock hanging on the wall behind the bar. ‘Right, I’d better get back to the kitchen before something burns.’

‘Of course. Well, thank you for your help. I appreciate it.’ Jasper nodded to him.

He’d said thank you to Richie, and yet what had he said to her? He’d blamed her for the dog running off in the first place, that’s what. She laughed, a low hollow sound escaping her throat before she slapped her hand over her mouth.

‘I beg your pardon?’ Jasper swivelled on his bar stool to look at her.

‘Oh, nothing.’ She swallowed. She wouldn’t let him get to her, not again. She just wanted to enjoy the rest of her roast dinner before she scarpered as far away from him as possible.

Jasper pushed away the bowl of chips. ‘Don’t worry, I’ll leave you to enjoy your dinner.’

Snapping her head up, she frowned. ‘Well, that’s just daft, isn’t it? Not to mention rude! Richie has just prepared those chips for you and, what? You’re just going to leave them because I happen to be here.’

‘No, I...’

‘We’re both adults. I’m sure we can agree to just eat and ignore each other.’ She scowled. Was he actually for real?

Shaking his head, Jasper drew his bowl back towards him and picked up a chip.

Robyn sighed. Her appetite had all but disappeared, but she couldn’t very well up and leave after saying that to him now, could she? However much she was tempted and however much the peace of the ocean was calling her.

Gerald returned from the other end of the bar. ‘Do you fancy a drink, Jasper?’

‘Just an orange juice please, mate.’ Jasper held his hand up.

‘Coming right up. How about you, Robyn? A top up?’

Robyn shook her head. ‘No thanks.’

After pouring the juice, Gerald set it beside Jasper and leaned back against the shelving unit. ‘Have you two met one another yet? Robyn is volunteering at Elsie’s bakery and Jasper is...’

‘We’ve met.’ They both spoke quickly before looking at each other. With anyone else, she’d have laughed if they’d said the same thing at the same time, but with him... Nope.

‘Good, good.’ Gerald tapped his chin. ‘Actually, Jasper, I think you may be able to help me with something?’

‘Anything. Fire away.’ Jasper grinned, not being able to hide how grateful he was for the distraction away from Robyn.

‘Just what I wanted to hear.’ Lowering his hand, Gerald indicated Robyn. ‘I thought you might help me persuade the cynical Robyn that true love exists and that all these people in here aren’t secretly hating each other’s guts.’

‘What?’ Jasper began coughing, his chest heaving as he took a gulp of orange juice before composing himself.

‘Exactly. I had a similar reaction.’ Gerald nodded, seemingly oblivious to the fact Jasper was likely surprised for a very different reason.

Tightening her grip on her cutlery, Robyn felt a sear of embarrassment flush across her cheeks. Please stop, Gerald. Please stop.

‘Tell her about your parents.’ Gerald tilted his head at Jasper.

‘She doesn’t want to hear about my parents.’