I fold my pizza and chomp it like a taco.Genius.
A splatter of sauce escapes his lips and falls onto his chest. He scoops it up before I can follow my instinct to lean in and lick it off his skin. He sucks the mess off his finger, and I have to shift my thighs under the desk.
“Do you feel like getting out of here and going for a walk?” I ask. ”I need some air.”
“But you’re working?” he says, tilting his head. “Yes! Let’s go for a walk.” He hops off the desk and twirls out of the office.
I stand up, adjust my pants, grab the zip-up hoodie hung over the back of the chair and knot it around my waist.That should protect me from any more embarrassing blunders tonight.
I strap my bag across my body and jingle the ring of keys out of its front pocket. “Let’s roll,” I cheer as I join him on the shop floor and lead out the door.
Stupid fucking bell.
“Will you get in trouble?” he asks.
“I doubt anyone will even notice. I could be lying dead on the floor, and no one would find out until morning.” I chuckle.Sad but true.
“Where should we go?” Si folds his arms behind himself and smiles wide.
“Wait.” I pull the hoodie from my waist and pass it to him. “You’re going to freeze like that.”
“I’m okay,” he chirps.
“Tie it around your waist then?” I insist.
His fingers shock my thumb, lifting the hairs on my arm, as he takes the hoodie from my hand.I am in awe of the exchange.
I twist my key in the door and lock the store safely away.
The autumn air is sharp, with just a hint of humidity, as rolling temperatures collide, creating a slight fog hanging over the tops of the buildings and a breeze scrapes crinkled paper wrappers across the pavement. The city smells sweet and nutty, like someone is baking peanut butter cookies.
“The park?” I suggest.
“Sure,” his eyes sparkle in the fluorescent light spilling out of the window.
And we start off on our trek.
3:13 am
”The streets are so quiet, aren’t they?” I double-knot the sleeves around my belly.
“It’s late—or early . . .” Danny’s eyes are focused on the ground ahead of our steps.
“I guess.” My shoulder bumps his but doesn’t interrupt his stride. I’m So tempted to catch his hand, as it swings past mine, and hold on but I refrain, deeply inhaling sweet cinnamon wafting off his body.
There’s something about this man, I just can’t explain, his comfortable familiarity is baffling me.Where do I know him from?
My pinky brushes his but his arm lifts away before I can snatch it up, clamping his fingers around the satchel strapped across his body. I ogle his soft chest and belly from the side of my face.
“You really liked my writing?“
My eyes jump up to his.Hopefully, he didn’t catch me staring.I smile, then nod, and say. “I’d like to read more.”
“I need to write more, ‘’ he scoffs.