“Maybe she’s up ahead?” We’re still a block away from the bend around the street the convenience store is on.
Danny trots on and I match his stride, squeezing his hand back tighter. I’m not going to lose him.
There are voices past the corner, they’re muffled, but they’re there.
Police cars, an ambulance, and the coroner’s wagon.
We both halt in our tracks.
7:10 am
Oh. —It makes sense now.
Delila is shaking her head, pacing in a circle, and pulling her fingers through her curls, talking to two police officers and two EMTs while a pair of men in slacks and matching ties cart a black plastic body bag out of the storefront, loading it into the coroner's vehicle.
“Danny . . .”
Si understands too. He leans against my shoulder and his fingers adjust their grip.
”It looks like we both had a transitional night.”
I pull Si with me, across the street, to a bench in front of a hair salon, and we sit to watch the close of my final season.
Poor Delila is stressed, and suddenly a crowd collects, huddling around the scene.
Morning commuters spill onto the street from behind the buildings and side streets. Cars start to roll by, slowing down to nosey, before driving past, and the city starts buzzing with its normal chaos.
“I’m glad they got me loaded into the meat wagon before everyone showed up.”
Si leans against my shoulder.
“It’s good to see you.” A tender voice says, from behind us.
Si whips around and his face lights up. “There you are! Danny, this is Nanny Grace,” he releases my hand and hops up to greet the silver-haired woman with brown skin and kind eyes. I know her from somewhere.
She pulls him into her arms, squeezing him joyously, as a wide smile squinches her face.
“I’ve missed you so much,” Si cheers.
“I’ve been right here.”
“I know that now,” he giggles.
“Hi, Danny,” Grace smiles at me. “I’m so happy you found each other again.”
“Again?” Si queries.
Grace winks. “I should get going, you two have lots to do.”
“We do?” Si’s brows wrinkle.
“You’ll see.” She turns to walk away. “I’ll catch you again soon.”
Where’s mom?