“The fuck makes you so different?” he asked, then got to his feet and walked off to his room.
Well, that wasn’t nearly as distracting as I would have liked.
Though, he did have a point, didn’t he?
Why did I think I couldn’t have what Renzo, Dav, and Elian had? If it was just because I never saw myself settling down, then I only needed to look at work-obsessed Renzo or only-down-for-a-fuck Dav to see that not looking for it didn’t mean you couldn’t latch onto it when it came your way.
Yeah, the one difference was that Kick was working for me. But it wasn’t like this was some dream job of hers that, if things got weird, she would feel really depressed to leave. It was just away to pay bills. If things didn’t work out, she could find another job. Or, hell, keep working for me.
Why was I trying so hard to make it be a one-time thing? When, clearly, I wanted more than that.
Suddenly, I wished I’d stayed the night.
I imagined Kick would wake up—for her sake, hopefully after many hours of sleep—to find me gone. Then she’d likely sweat it for the whole morning, wondering if it was going to be awkward to come in to work. Maybe not coming in at all.
My gut twisted at that.
But, hell, if she decided not to show, I knew where to find her. I could track her down, tell her I was being a fucking idiot, and that I wanted to give this thing between us a chance.
Chance for what, I honestly didn’t know.
All I did know was that I liked what we had going on. And I wasn’t ready to let it go yet.
Even with that plan in play, though, I barely got any sleep myself. Then, deciding it was useless to keep trying, I got myself showered and dressed and dragged my ass in to work.
Where I drank too much coffee and kept checking to see if Kick had shown up yet. When she finally did, it was one minute before her shift started, and there was already a line around the block. Everyone wanted to order their meat for the holidays coming up. So it was impossible to try to catch her alone to talk to her.
That didn’t mean I couldn’t look at her, though.
And she looked better.
Sleep had done wonders for the dark circles and bags under her eyes. Her eyes were brighter. Even her skin looked more glowing. Though, whether that was sleep or orgasms was anyone’s guess.
“Kick,” I called after the worst of the rush had finally slowed down. “Can I see you for a minute?” I asked.
That, of course, got a chorus ofOoohsandUh-ohsfrom her coworkers as she gave me a tight nod before following me silently back into my office.
“Look, we don’t have to talk about—“ she started, gaze averted.
“Good,” I cut her off, grabbing the back of her neck. “Because I really didn’t have talking in mind.” Then my lips were on hers.
Fine, I had.
But then there she was.
And all my thoughts flew out of my head.
All the tension that had worked its way into Kick’s shoulders on the walk back to my office left her body in a rush as she melted into me.
Her arms went around my neck as I reached behind her to lock the door before turning and walking her back to my desk. I scooted her up on it, my lips never leaving hers.
When my body pressed against her knees, her legs parted for me, inviting me between. As soon as I moved in, her legs wrapped around my hips, holding me against her, and rocking her hips against me.
“You’re gonna have to be quiet,” I murmured against her neck as my hand slid up under her shirt. “Think you can do that?” I asked, even as a little whimper escaped her when my hand slid into the cup of her bra.
Despite the night before, she was still desperate to be touched, arching into my hand as I rolled her nipple, rocking against me restlessly.
We didn’t have long. Everyone would wonder why she’d been called into the office, would get suspicious if she didn’t return quickly enough. I wouldn’t put it above the idiots to stop and listen outside of the door.