I figured if I could stake out one convenience store a night, I might be able to catch him going to get his fix.
Sure, it was likely going to be a long, frustrating process. But it seemed better than sitting on my ass in my apartment, wondering if Jake was being tortured, or if Kyle was going to snatch me off of the street someday because I wasn’t giving him as much money as he wanted.
Those plans were, if not completely shot, at least delayed, by Rico showing up.
I knew I was supposed to be annoyed by the interruption. I couldn’t seem to fight against the relief, though. And the surge of excitement was almost instantaneous and uncontrollable. No matter how wrong it was, given how I was screwing over Rico and his business.
I tried to tell myself that agreeing to let him walk me was smart because refusing would draw suspicion. But I was just making excuses for wanting to spend a little time with him.
“How’s the finger?”
“It’s okay. I unwrapped it earlier to check it. All good so far. I don’t think it will be more than a few days before I can take off the splint and the wrap.”
“Don’t try to remove those closures, though,” he warned. “Let ‘em come off on their own,” he added as we turned down my street.
I tensed, wondering if Kyle’s spies would be waiting for me, would see me with Rico and get some wrong ideas about myconnection to him, and my ability to, I don’t know, get more money off of him because of it.
But the streets were empty and we walked into the building alone.
The warm air stung at my exposed skin as we moved into the elevator. It wasn’t until we were inside of it that it occurred to me that I should have said goodbye to Rico at the front door. Not held the door open and silently invited him up.
But by the time I realized, it was too late.
Maybe that was what my subconscious had planned all along.
I was reaching into my pocket for my key when Rico grabbed my wrist from behind, turning me, then pressing me against my doorway as his lips crashed down on mine.
There was none of the tentativeness of the last kiss. No soft, sweet exploration.
His lips were hungry on mine, pressing hard, demanding a response.
And I simply… melted into him.
One of my arms went up around his neck, holding him close as the other went to the side of his neck as his lips slanted over mine again and again, as his tongue teased the seam of my lips before moving in to stroke over mine.
His hands slid down my back to sink into my ass, dragging me more firmly against him, making me aware of his own desire as it pressed against me, making my own spread, heating me from the inside out until my jacket, my shirt, my everything felt too hot and restrictive.
He held me against him for a long moment before his hand shifted, going into my pocket to get the key I’d been reaching for, taking it, and stabbing it into the lock.
He walked me backward into the apartment, turning me, and slamming me back against the door from the inside this time.
Reaching down, he grabbed the back of my thigh, pulling it up, and hooking it around his lower back. Wrapping both of my arms around his neck for leverage, I lifted the other leg as well.
Then he was turning, walking over toward the couch, and dropping down with me straddling him.
Completely consumed by my need, I dropped my hips down onto his lap, feeling his hardness against my need. A low moan escaped me as Rico’s hands went to my hips, rocking me against him.
When I rocked against him again, his hands slid away from my hips. He grabbed the zipper of my jacket, pulling it down, then slipped the material off of my shoulders.
The relief was instantaneous.
Then I felt his fingertips whispering over the skin of my stomach as he started to lift my shirt.
I lifted my arms up, allowing him to pull the shirt free, leaving me in a very boring black bra with no frills since I hadn’t anticipated anyone but myself seeing it when I’d bought it.
Rico didn’t seem to mind, though, as that sexy little rumble moved through him and the backs of his fingers teased up my sides before his hands closed over my breasts.
My head fell back and Rico took it as an invitation, leaning in to press his lips to the column of my neck. The barely-there kisses and strokes of his tongue had wildfires spreading across my skin, burning me up.