"Ladies, simmer down, parties over," I interrupt, my voice carrying enough edge to make them jump. "Either show some respect for Indy or find somewhere else to spend your nights riding dick. Your choice."

The blonde opens her mouth, but I cut her off. "And trust me, you won't like the somewhere else."

They scatter like roaches, leaving Indy and me alone. Her hazel eyes search my face, concern etching lines around her mouth.

"Is everyone okay?"

"Everyone's fine." I rest my hand on her shoulder, steadying her. "Tres wants you in the meeting room. There are things we need to discuss."

"What kind of things?"

"The kind that can't wait." I guide her toward the door, noting how she doesn't shake off my touch.

I guide Indy into our meeting room, my hand hovering near the small of her back. The wood-paneled walls seem to close in as Tres rises from his chair, jaw set in that way that means trouble.

"Take a seat," Tres says, gesturing to the leather chair across from him.

"I'll stand," Indy crosses her arms. "What's this about?"

"The Dos Banditos made it clear you're a target." I lean against the wall, watching her shoulders tense. "They're using you to get to us."

Tres plants his palms on the table. "Which means you're staying here until we handle this."

"Like hell I am." Indy's eyes flash. "I have a life, a job-"

"A job you're on leave from," I remind her. "And a life that won't mean much if they decide to make good on their threats."

"And what?" Indy laughs, but there's no humor in it. "I'm supposed to just sit around while you all play bodyguard?"

"Better than playing target practice." The words come out harsher than I mean them to. "These guys don't mess around, Indy. They'll use you to hurt us, and they won't think twice about it."

I watch Indy's spine straighten, her chin lifting in that stubborn way that reminds me so much of Brick. "I can take care of myself. I'm not some damsel who needs-"

"This isn't up for debate." Tres's voice drops an octave, carrying that tone that usually makes prospects shake in their boots. But Indy just crosses her arms tighter.

"Fuck you Tres. You can't just-"

I can't help but laugh at the faces of the elders, who's eyes nearly doubled in size after Indy just cursed at Tres. If that had been any of them, that would have been their death warrant. Something about this little spitfire makes him soft.

"Your father made me swear." Tres slams his palm on the table, making even me jump. "On the night before he died, Indy. Our last chat wasn't about the club or some grand fucking plan. They were about protecting you if something were to happen to him. It's almost like he fucking knew he wouldn't be here much longer."

The fight drains from her shoulders. I step closer, catching the slight tremor in her hands.

"'Keep her safe, Tres,'" he continues, voice rough. "'Promise me you'll keep my baby girl safe.' Those were his exact words. And I'll be damned if I break that promise because you're too fucking stubborn to accept help."

Indy sinks into the chair, her fingers finding the silver chain around her neck - the one I've noticed she never takes off.

She looks between us, those hazel eyes swimming with unshed tears. "Fine. But I'm not staying locked up in that room with your groupies."

"You'll have your own room upstairs," Tres says, his tone softening. "Away from the noise, private bathroom, the works. Brick's old quarters, actually."

I watch Indy's fingers twist around that silver chain again. "Great. Trading one shrine for another."

"Jacoby." Tres's eyes meet mine. "Take Kyler, help her pack what she needs from the house."

"I can drive myself," Indy protests.

"Not with those assholes out there gunning for you." I push off the wall. "Come on, princess. Let's get you packed before they decide to take another shot."