Indy's standing exactly where I left her, hands pressed to her mouth. I kill the engine and jump out, catching her as she launches herself at me.

"You stupid, beautiful idiot," she whispers against my neck.

I pull back, wiping soot from her cheek. "Couldn't let you down." My phone's already in my hand, dialing Tres. He picks up on the first ring.

"We got trouble. Someone torched Brick's place." I keep an arm around Indy as she trembles. "Got the Chevelle out, but the house is gone."

"God damnit, where is Indy? She wasn't in there was she?" Tres, once a pillar of collectedness seems disheveled on the phone.

"She's fine. We were out, I was teaching her to ride, we stumbled upon it when we came back."

Tres's voice is deadly calm. "Get back here. Now."

"Copy that." I end the call, turning to Indy. "You good to drive?"

She nods, taking the keys with steady hands. "Following you?"

"Yeah. Stay close." I swing onto Brick's bike, the familiar rumble doing little to calm my racing heart. In my mirrors, I watch Indy slide behind the Chevelle's wheel, her face set in determination as we pull away from the inferno that was once her childhood home.



My blood runs cold when Jacoby's call comes through. The words barely register - Brick's house, fire, Indy safe but devastated. The phone creaks in my grip.

"Get everyone in the main room. Right fucking Now." My voice comes out like gravel, and Kyler knows better than to ask questions.

I slam through the clubhouse doors, my boots echoing against hardwood. Brothers scatter out of my path as I storm toward the meeting room. The rage builds with each step, remembering Brick's pride in that little house, how he kept it perfect for his daughter.

"Those fucking cowards." I slam my palms on the wooden table. "They went after his house. His daughter's inheritance."

The room fills quickly. Good men, loyal men - they know what this means without me having to spell it out.

"Boss, what's the play?" Tank asks, already strapping on his vest.

"We ride. Now. I want eyes on every street corner those sons of bitches frequent. Someone saw something, and they're gonna talk."

"How's Indy?" Ghost pipes up from the back.

"She's with Jacoby. They're heading back here." I check my piece, sliding it into my holster. "And when I find out who did this..."

"They're dead men walking," Tank finishes.

"Gear up. Five minutes." I scan the room, meeting each pair of eyes. "This isn't just about territory anymore. This is family."

The room empties in seconds, the sound of boots and leather filling the air. I take a deep breath, trying to steady the murderous thoughts racing through my mind. O'Brien trusted me to protect her. I failed him once - it won't happen again.

"Ready to roll," Tank calls from the doorway.

I nod, heading for my bike. "Let's go hunting."

The engines roar to life in unison, a sound that usually brings me peace. Today it's a war cry. We peel out of the lot, chrome glinting in the sun, a pack of wolves on the hunt. Those bastards just declared war, and they're about to learn why that was a fatal mistake.

I pull up to O'Brien's house just as the fire chief steps away from his truck. The air reeks of smoke and ash, making my throat tight.

"Chief," I call out, striding over. "What are we looking at?"

He wipes soot from his forehead. "Definitely arson. Found accelerant traces in multiple spots. They knew what they were doing - started in the garage, spread to the upper floor."