I sigh and pull the covers up over myself, trying to find some semblance of comfort in the emptiness. Sleep doesn’t come easily; my mind is too occupied with memories of Kyler’s touch and the warmth of his body against mine.
Eventually, exhaustion wins out, and I drift off into a restless sleep filled with dreams of green eyes and whispered promises.
Iknock on Indy's door, running a hand over my shaved head. The morning sun streams through the clubhouse windows, catching on the chrome of the bikes outside. When she opens up, my breath catches - even in simple jeans and a worn Metallica shirt, she's gorgeous.
"Morning, sunshine. Ready to learn how to handle something with real power between your legs?"
She chokes on her coffee, seemingly caught off guard by the comment. She pulls herself together and rolls her eyes but grins. "I'm sorry, just curious if that line has actually ever worked on anyone?"
"You'd be surprised." I lean against her doorframe. "Seriously though, thought today might be good for your first lesson. Weather's perfect, roads are quiet."
"Give me five to grab my jacket." She disappears back into her room.
"Bring those boots too," I call after her. "The ones with the good ankle support."
"Yes, teacher," she sings out sarcastically.
I chuckle, watching her gather her things. She emerges with a leather jacket that must have been Brick's - it's way too big but somehow looks perfect on her.
"That his?" I ask softly.
She nods, fingers trailing over the worn leather. "Found it in the closet. Figured he'd want me wearing it for this."
"He'd be proud as hell, seeing you on a bike." I push off the wall. "Come on, Cooper. Let's go get the chieftan and see what you're made of."
Her hazel eyes spark with challenge. "Just try to keep up, Wilson."
God help me, but this woman's going to be trouble. And I can't wait for every second of it.
The wind whips past as Indy's arms wrap tight around my waist. Her chin rests on my shoulder, and I catch a whiff of her shampoo - something sweet and floral that makes my head swim. Focus, Wilson. I guide my bike down the familiar streets to Brick's house, trying to ignore how perfectly she fits against my back.
"You good back there?" I call over the engine's rumble.
"Never better!" She squeezes tighter as we take a corner. "Though I'm starting to see the appeal of riding."
We pull into Brick's driveway, and I kill the engine. Indy hops off first, practically bouncing with excitement as she heads for the garage. I follow, watching her punch in the code and raise the door.
There it sits - Brick's pride and joy, a perfectly maintained Indian Cheiftan. Indy runs her hand along the chrome, her expression soft.
"Ready?" I swing my leg over Brick's bike, patting the seat behind me. "Gotta get a feel for riding passenger on your own bike before you take the controls."
She settles behind me, and I kick the bike to life. The familiar rumble fills the garage as I ease us out onto the street.
"First lesson - lean with the bike in the turns," I instruct as we cruise toward Miller Park. "Don't fight it."
"Like this?" She follows my movements perfectly as we wind through traffic.
"Natural talent, Cooper. Must run in the family."
The park's nearly empty when we arrive, just a few early morning joggers circling the paths. Perfect for teaching. I cut the engine in the empty lot and help Indy dismount.
"Alright, hotshot." I pat the front seat. "Your turn. Show me what you got."
Her eyes light up as she takes her place in the driver's seat. I slide in behind her, placing my hands lightly on her hips.