She peeked up at me. “You didn’t propose.”

I bit back the smile. It really was a silly thing, at least in my mind, but to women, I knew these things were important.

“You do deserve a ring and a romantic proposal,” I offered, “but unfortunately, I cannot delay our matrimony, as informal as it might be. I need us bound in the eyes of our deity, and law, before I return to my father’s house.”

I didn’t go into detail, but she must have sensed the importance, because she melted into me. “Okay. I understand. I trust you.” She then kissed me. “You can make it up to me later.”

“Of course.” I stood, pulling her up and into my embrace. “Up you go. Please get dressed now.”

With a nod, she withdrew from my hold and quickly readied herself. I was surprised by what she deemed to be her most valuable possessions.

The first was a stuffed animal that seemed more real than not. The second was a plastic grocery bag filled with jars. I didn’t have to look inside to know the contents.

Unable to help myself, I smiled. I had to. I had to give in to the absurdity of this day. I reached for the bag of dicks. “I’ll take it.”

She beamed. Her bright eyes and amazing smile made my chest puff. She looked up at me like I was her hero, which coincidentally, appeared to be the name of the old dog under her arm, so read the collar.

“We’re going to a new home,” she was now saying to the canine. She then hugged it tightly. “I’ll take you for a walk when we get there.”

“Taxidermy?” I inquired with a raise of my brow.

Her mouth dropped and she covered the dog’s ears. “Hush! He has no idea. But yes, if you must know.”

“Very realistic,” I allowed.

“Thank you!” She smiled broadly again. “I did it myself.”

Of course she did.

Tiffany was as crazy as she was beautiful, and I was going to marry her. The plan I had was pure madness, but it would kill two birds with one stone. I would circumvent my father’s maneuverings, and Tiffany would be mine alone. Mine to possess in every conceivable way. And she would remain by my side, willingly or not, whether my father approved or not.

Grabbing Tiffany by her upper arm, I dragged her over the broken door and into the hall. I saw the manager peeking around the corner. I wanted my future bride to feel reassured, so I spoke to the manager in English as I passed him on my way to the car.

“If anything goes missing, you will pay for those items with fingers, toes, and teeth.”

The wide-eyed manager nodded.

“She is moving out. I will have my men come to retrieve her belongings, and pay you to settle her account.”

Tiffany leaned into me and whispered her request in my ear, much like she did at the ice cream shop. She always surprised me with her little quirks.

I cleared my throat. “My fiancée says you were a good landlord, that you looked out for her, and that she appreciates you. She has requested I reward you for this.”

The manager’s eyes darted between Tiffany and me in alarm. “I am honored. Thank you, Tiff–” He immediately corrected himself as I glared. “–Ms. Garcia. But that is unnecessary. You were a great tenant. That is enough.”

“You would deny the gift my fiancée wishes to give you?” I asked quietly.

Realizing that being noble would be insulting in this case, the manager again corrected himself. “No–no–of course not. I am humbled by your generosity. Thank you. Thank you, sir.”

With a curt nod, I jerked Tiffany toward the car, her collection of dicks and all.

The drive back to the penthouse was spent with me making arrangements for a quick and quiet wedding. My rise to power came with special accommodations, not that I had ever lacked those. Money talked, as they said. What I couldn’t make happen with my name, I could with wealth. But it was nice to circumvent the negotiations.

Once I parked, I hung up and disengaged the car. I looked over to realize Tiffany was sleeping. She looked so innocent and precious, hugging her stuffed pet.

I reminded myself that this woman was like flipping a coin. One side was my sweet, virginalmilyywith bright eyes and agorgeous smile. The other side of the coin might as well have been a skull and crossbones. I had the trophies of a serial killer sitting in the back seat of my car. The woman was without fear.

I admired her for that.