Page 14 of Such A Good Girl

Not on my watch.

The night still sat dark and empty outside my window, nothing but trees and that sole dirt track. I kept waiting for it to fill with the splash of red and blue lights against the pines.

She knew who I was.

They’d find me.

Unless… she chose not to tell.Perhaps she was more than just a good girl. Perhaps she really was my perfect pet.

Pressing my fingers against my nose, I inhaled deeply. Only the faintest hint of her scent remained. I’d hoped to hold on to it longer. Next time I’d rub her all over a pair of her panties and pocket them.

If there was indeed a next time.

Grabbing a beer from the fridge, I knocked off the cap and took a swig, closing my eyes as the alcohol hit my stomach. Something that hinted at regret warred with the feeling that meeting Ashley was exactly the right thing. That my whole life had been leading me to her door.

Having her in my arms was like connecting the ultimate piece of a puzzle. But how? I didn’t know the first thing about her. It was one thing to make my dick hard, but there was more to it than that. Something connected. If I wasn’t dragged away in cuffs, I had no doubt at all that I’d return to her.

I needed her.

Days passed and my nerves at being arrested soon waned.

I should never have doubted her. My pretty pet would be loyal to me.

My dick stood rigid as I angled it into the cold bucket of gloop. Pulling the image of the pink collar around my girl’s neck to mind kept me hard despite the chill surrounding my balls. Her breath heating the side of my face as she writhed on my fingers.

Soon enough, the liquid hardened, and I pulled myself free from the mould.

I worked the tiny microphone into the side before filling it with resin. I’d be nothing if not rock solid for my pet.

Hours later, it was finished. Polished to perfection. A toy for my girl. It would only be better if it squeaked. I could picture her knelt in front of me with a squeaky dick in her mouth, a butt plug tail wagging behind her. My fingers tightened on the edgeof the worktop, blood rushing between my legs. It took me a few minutes to calm myself enough to pack the present, wrapping it neatly in the black crepe paper.

I hand wrote a note for her, taking time to make sure my scratching was legible.

Let’s see how well she follows orders.



The hum of the refrigerator met with Jerry’s loud chewing, each sloppy mouthful grating against my nerves.

Since the… incident… I’d been on edge. Fighting against the guilt that bit at my insides. I hadn’t asked for the man to make me come, but I’d fallen apart at his touch, anyway. I’d cheated on Jerry. I’d gone against the vows I’d made.

But had he honoured his? Did he love me and cherish me?

It had been years since I felt anything close to love from Jerry. We’d promised exclusion to all others. That promise came with an unspoken other promise. You exclude others to fulfil each other's needs. He left me without the promised partner, without someone who would support me in the good and the bad. Who would love me through the ages, hold me through the wrinkles and the life changes. He was supposed to be my everything. I’d tried so hard to be everything he needed.

Going to the police was the right thing to do.

But it would only make me more tarnished in Jerry’s eyes if he knew. He wouldn’t be on my side.


I also harboured a secret, insidious desire to see the masked man again. To see what else he could do to me. The need to feeltrumped my loyalty to my husband. My marriage was rotting me at a glacial page from the inside out. Eroding me with the lack of what it means to be human. Jerry may not have abandoned me matrimonially, but the emotional and physical chasm he’d created left me empty.

A part of me broke as I came over the stranger’s fingers, but the cracks had freed me from the suffocation of my marriage.

I couldn’t hide from the guilt that still wormed its way through my gut, but I could ignore it.