Page 70 of Depraved Desires

I licked my cracked lips, my mouth feeling drier than it ever has before. I wasn’t sure what came over me, but the urge to touch him was so strong. Hell, I’d probably fuck a complete stranger at this point. My hand moved behind my back until it found his throbbing cock. He shuddered when I grabbed him and started working him up and down, our eyes staying connected.

“Hunter,” Foster warned with an edge to his voice. He was waist-deep in the water, his hard gaze settling on the two of us, but I didn’t relent, just started working Hunter harder. Hunter’s head fell back, his grip loosening on my hair as he lost himself to the pleasure. “Hunter,” Foster snapped again. “She isn’t in her right mind.”

“She started touching me,” he grunted. “I didn’t instigate it.” He took my breast in his right hand, flicking his thumb over the nipple. Electricity buzzed through me, my lips parting as a gasp escaped me.

Foster muttered something I couldn’t hear and started making his way toward us. He was still wearing his boxers, but the outline of his hard dick was prominent through them. My mouth dried even more as I took him in. The water dribbled down his torso, leaving a shine behind on his pale skin. Once he approached, he scooped me in his arms, taking me away from Hunter.

“You’re an asshole,” I said with a leaden tongue as he carried me out of the water. His skin slid against mine as he walked with me, the feel of it only heightening my lust.

He dropped me in a chair beside Collin and wrapped a towel around my shoulders. I glared up at him, but he didn’t seem to give a shit. “I hope you drown,” I continued, not caring how childish and petty it sounded. His lips kicked up into an amusedsmirk and he shook his head while Collin laughed from beside me.

“Your skin is like ice,” Foster said. “Dry off and I’ll take you back inside to get warmed up.”

My forehead creased in confusion. I didn’tfeelcold at all. I could probably stay out here for hours. To my knowledge, we hadn’t even been out here for that long. A pout tugged at my mouth. I wanted to stay with Hunter, to feel him writhe beneath me as I took what I wanted. Heat pooled in the depths of my stomach as my mind conjured up sinful images of what we could be doing right now.

Releasing a sigh, I dried myself off with the towel to the best of my abilities and stood. Foster motioned toward the back door and I reluctantly obliged, making my way into the heated cabin.

“I don’t want to sit on the couch,” I told him. “My skin sticks to it.”

He didn’t say anything. Instead, he walked into the kitchen and grabbed two bottles of water. When he approached me, he offered me one. I took it eagerly, unscrewing the cap, before placing it up to my mouth and guzzling down a mouthful. The cold water helped bring my internal body temperature down some, but I didn’t know how long that would last.

“Come,” he instructed. “You can sit on the bed while I shower.”

I nodded and followed him down a hallway. Everything seemed to move quickly as we walked, making it difficult to stop and take everything in. My head was a mess. He led me into a plain-looking bedroom with a king-sized bed in it. I moved over to it and flopped down, leaning against the wooden headboard with my legs stretched out in front of me.

He reached into the dresser and started putting some clothes together. He must have unpacked as soon as he got here. Iwatched as he carried them into the adjoined bathroom and closed the door gently.

A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth. With him in the shower, I could go back outside and mess around with Hunter. Then again, Hunter probably wouldn’t go against Foster like that after he was blatantly warned not to touch me. What was the point of getting drunk and high if you couldn’t get fucked while under the influence? A groan expelled from my lungs as frustration clawed at my insides. I couldn’t remember ever being turned on this much in my life.

I looked at the mundane wall across from me, feeling bored out of my mind. Myles would probably fuck me. My teeth sank into my lower lip as I thought on that. Deciding that he was my best option, I climbed out of bed and started making my way across the room. The sound of the shower running halted my movements, causing a new thought to sprout in my mind. Foster was in there naked, covered in water. I wanted to know what his limits were. Would he touch me like he had at the club? Would he go further now that he was high?

I drifted over to the bathroom door and tried the handle. To my surprise, it clicked open with ease. A smile tugged at my mouth, and I gently closed the door behind me.

My pulse roared in my ears as the blood rushed through me. A mixture of adrenaline and excitement coursed through my veins. For once, I didn’t care about the consequences. Maybe I needed to get fucked up more often.

My feet pressed against the tiles while I walked, not stopping until I’d finally reached the shower. It was plain—not like the ones at the academy. A black curtain separated us. I walked toward the end of the tub and pushed it aside, stepping inside. Foster’s back was to me as his hands worked through his blonde hair. The muscles in his shoulders tensed with every movement he made.

When he finally turned, his eyes widened like saucers and he stumbled backwards, nearly slipping in the process. “What the fuck are you doing in here?” he growled.

I shrugged. “I got bored, and you cockblocked me. There’s a price for that.” The luke-warm water pooled around my feet as I stood at the opposite end of the tub, staring him down with defiance.

“You’re fucking crazy,” he muttered, but he wasn’t nearly as pissed as I expected him to be.

A slow smile stretched across my face as I took a step forward, and then another, until there were only inches separating us. His throat bobbed as he swallowed, and for the first time since I’d met him, he looked…nervous. My gaze tracked down his body until it reached his dick. Fuck he was huge. Much bigger than Collin and Hunter. Maybe it had to do with his height.

Water sprayed me now since I was closer to the showerhead, the droplets pelting my skin and running down my body. He glanced down, taking in my heaving chest before he dropped his gaze lower.

“I can make you feel good,” I purred. His eyes snapped back to mine, his jaw tightening.

“You don’t know what you’re saying.”

I shrugged. “I know what I want.” My tongue darted out, swiping against my lips as I took another cautious step forward. We were so close now I could feel the heat of his body pouring onto mine. “I’m not going to bed tonight until I get what I want,” I continued. “If it’s not from you, it’ll be from someone else in this cabin.”

He blew out a breath. “Christ,” he muttered, clenching his eyes closed. When he opened them again, his eyelids were hooded, heat pouring through them. “What is that you want exactly?”

So many things.

I reached forward, taking his dick in my fist. He immediately tensed, fear slithering through him. I watched with interest as his chest heaved up and down like he was battling internally.