Jeremy laughed and shook his head. It sounded so casual, like we were merely talking about the weather or something just as trivial. “You realize where you are, right?” he asked, a hint of amusement in his voice. “I’ve already fucked a shit ton of the women here. I’m itching for something…new.” His gaze raked over me appreciatively and he slowly started trailing his fingers down my stomach and toward my pussy.
Alarm bells resounded within my skull. I didn’t want him touching me at all. I wanted to know how Foster was doing, to see for myself if he was really okay or not. I needed to find a way to get out of here, even though I knew that probably wasn’t in the cards. Not with so many eyes on us at all times. This place seemed well protected if the several guards in the cafeteria were any indication of that.
Just as his hand reached my navel, the door swung open, slamming against the wall. A breath of relief whooshed out of me when Jeremy jerked his hand back, turning to glare at the intruder.
But I wasn’t at all prepared for who was standing in the doorway.
Confusion snaked through me as I took in the former bartender standing a few feet away. His eyes roamed over me passively, like he wasn’t the least bit surprised to see me here.
“What the fuck do you want?” Jeremy snapped at him, returning his attention to me. Is fingertips danced along the surface of the water before he lowered his hand and cupped my pussy, making me jerk in surprise. A twisted smile curled the edges of his mouth.
“Talissa sent me,” Michael replied flatly. “She told me you weren’t to touch her yet. She has to be tested first and all that.”
What the hell did that mean?
My heart was pounding furiously in my chest. Michal knew I was coming here. There was no other explanation. Why didn’t he warn me, or try to help me in some way? Betrayal settled deep in the pit of my stomach. I thought he was a friend.
Jeremy groaned, sliding his fingers along my crease. I trembled, fear sparking through my body in waves. I grabbed his wrist and shoved it away from me, bringing my knees up to hide myself the best I could. He scowled at me, and for a moment, he looked like he might hit me. But he turned to Michael instead.
“She a whore, or something?” he asked bitterly.
Michael shrugged. “High-end prostitute. All the guys were clean, though. Talissa made sure of it. But that doesn’t mean she didn’t fuck outside of work.”
Jeremy grimaced. “No pussy is worth losing a dick over.” He shot me a disgusted look. “Hurry the fuck up.”
He didn’t have to tell me twice. I quickly finished up, washing my hair and then my body. Both guys were watching me like I was the best form of entertainment around.
Michael unlocked a large cabinet near the door and peered inside before glancing over at Jeremy. “Red or black?” he asked, furrowing his eyebrows.
“Red. She’ll move into black after a week or two.”
Michael nodded and grabbed one of those skimpy little nightgowns all the other girls wore. My stomach twisted with unease. Black meant that there was a potential buyer. Considering I only just now stepped foot in this place, that meant she’d been trying to sell me when I worked for her at the club.
I pulled the drain, letting the water slip through the cracks as I pulled myself up on shaky legs. The cool air drifted over me, causing my nipples to harden of their own accord and a chill swept down my spine.
“Here,” Jeremy said, holding out a white towel.
I took it graciously, wrapping it around my body before stepping out onto the cold floor. I dried myself off the best I could, but my nerves were shot, making it a difficult feat. Michael approached me with the red nightgown, and I stared at it for a long moment, a sneer curling the corners of my mouth.
Michael released an annoyed sigh, drawing my gaze to his face. The bruising had faded a lot, and he looked more like his old self. But there was no sign of my old friend behind those eyes. Where they used to be easy-going and friendly, they were now hard and rotten. “Put the damn dress on, Aspen,” he growled in a low tone. “Talissa’s waiting on you.”
I needed to choose my battles. It wasn’t like people haven’t seen me in revealing clothing before, and it wasn’t like I was self-conscious. This just felt so dehumanizing on so many levels. I snatched the gown and tugged the thin fabric over my head. It was completely see-through and was light over my skin. It offered no support whatsoever and barely passed the apex of my thighs.
Michael smirked at me smugly and I had the overwhelming urge to punch him in the face. However, that wouldn’t bode well for me if I valued my life or my vagina. I grimaced, thinking backto Star. My chest tightened at the memory, knowing that it could just as easily be me.
“Put these on,” Michael said, grabbing a pair of flimsy sandals from the cabinet. “Let me know if they fit.”
Reluctantly, I placed the shoes on the floor and slipped my bare feet through them. Unsurprisingly, they fit. Talissa knew my shoe size, so I hadn’t really expected anything different. I wrapped my arms around myself, fear coursing through my veins. Was Collin okay, at least? He’d been waiting on the other side of the door for us. My stomach twisted with unease at the thought of something happening to him, too.
“Come on,” Jeremy barked, smacking my ass unnecessarily hard. I gasped out in surprise, but, willed myself to start moving.
Michael stayed behind to take care of my dirty clothes, and I obediently followed Jeremy back into the dining hall where Talissa was still waiting. It was vacant now, aside from a few guards lurking around. Talissa’s gaze roamed over me for a moment, before she turned her attention to the guard at my side.
“That will be all, Jeremy. Thank you.” She folded her arms in front of her, directing a pointed look in his direction to subtly dismiss him. He nodded and strolled across the room, vacating the dining hall. Once he was gone, she glanced at me again. “I’m sure you have a lot of questions.”