Page 130 of Depraved Desires

“It pays well.” She shrugged.

That didn’t make any sense. Her club paid well, too. Why resort to something as awful as this? Selling helpless women for cash, brutalizing them? Star’s screams shattered through my memory, making me cringe. These girls didn’t want this. They were being stripped away from their families and forced into slavery.

Talissa led me over to a line of people that were standing about, talking to each other in hushed tones. “This is the lunch line,” she explained. “Eat something. I’ll take you on the rest of the tour once you’re finished.” She turned on her heels and walked across the dining hall, moving to stand next to a guard I vaguely remembered from the club.

My fingers were shaking, and I felt completely exposed in the short dress I was wearing. I suppose it was a step up from the see-through nightgowns the other girls had on, though. You could see their nipples and pussies through the fabric.

A girl with light brown hair and pale skin turned to face me. I noticed that she was wearing a blue gown, her large round breasts extremely prominent beneath the material. Her gaze raked over my outfit for a moment. “You’re new,” she pointed out.

I just nodded, folding my arms across my chest in discomfort. I’d never been ashamed of my body before, but that was when I didn’t have to worry about being kidnapped and sold. The thought of some old man forcing me to have sex with him while he acted out all his darkest fantasies put me on edge. It wasn’t like I hadn’t been with older men before. But it had been my choice, and it paid well. Now, Talissa would have no reason to pay me. The money would go into her pocket.

“My name is Sandy. Can I give you some advice?”

I shrugged. “Sure.” Anything to prevent weirdos from targeting me.

“Never talk back. Never have them repeat themselves. That just pisses them off and makes it worse for you. Know your captor. Meaning, it’s important for you to understand what they like and don’t like. Some of them want you to enjoy it and that’s when you fake it. Some want you to scream and cry and fight back. It gets them off.” She was rambling, her voice low like she didn’t want anyone to overhear her. “We’re not people to them. We’re just holes. It’s the sad reality of our situation.”

My eyes burned with the urge to cry, kick, and scream. But like Sandy had just said, that might attract the wrong kind of dude to me. I wasn’t naïve enough to think that anyone was coming to save me. I didn’t have family, friends, or even lovers. I was the perfect victim.

Sandy’s expression softened even more when she noticed my expression. “It gets easier. Eventually, you just adapt to it, and it becomes apart of who you are.”

What kind of Stockholm syndrome bullshit was she spewing? How long had she been here to turn around and think that this shit was justifiable? My stomach was twisting into knots, bile rising to the back of my throat. When we finally reached the front of the line, we were served a chicken salad with some sweet tea.

“You can sit with me if you want,” she offered.

It wasn’t like I had much choice in the matter. She was the only friendly face I’ve seen so far, and I’d much rather take my chances with her. I followed her to a round table near the back where two other girls were sitting. One of them was on the curvier side with short blonde hair while the other one had that scene look that used to be so popular with neon pink and black hair.

Me and Sandy sat across from them, my body trembling profusely. I didn’t consider myself a timid person, but this…this was a completely different situation, and I think it was warranted.

Sandy smiled at the two girls like they were all friends. “This is,” She paused, glancing over at me with furrowed eyebrows. That’s when I realized I hadn’t told her my name.

“Aspen,” I muttered, taking my plastic fork between my fingers and stabbing it through the lettuce.

The blonde looked me up and down, seemingly unimpressed. Great. There were even mean girls at a trafficking ring. The universe was one cruel bitch. “I’m Bree.” She motioned to the one with pink and black hair. “And that’s Mandy.”

And I don’t give a shit.

At least, that’s what I wanted to say. But there was no telling what girls like these would do if given the opportunity or even a little bit of motive. I glanced around the room, my eyes lingering on a few of the guards positioned near the far side of the wall, their hands folded in front of them. All three of them were younger, probably mid to late twenties. Unlike the one who had taunted me through the bars earlier with stale breath and yellow teeth.

“How did you get captured, anyways?” Bree asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

I didn’t even know how to answer that, so I just went with the truth. “I worked for this woman who apparently had a crush on this guy I screwed around with. So, she shot this other guy I liked, told me she was my mother, and then knocked me out and here I am.” It wasn’t the full story, but I’d be sitting here for hours if I gave them detail upon detail of what had happened.

Sandy balked. “Yourmothersold you?”

“Not yet. She’s right over there.” I inclined my head toward where Talissa was standing, running her fingers along one of theguard’s arms, not paying an ounce of attention to the girls she held captive.

“Damn. That’s cold,” Mandy muttered.

Sandy and Mandy. I was just now putting that together. Were they fake names, or really what they went by?

Deciding it didn’t matter, I continued eating. My nerves were way too shot to have a conversation with people I didn’t give a shit about. The food wasn’t awful, but it wasn’t great, either. Bree was wearing a black nightgown, her nipples hard beneath the fabric. It didn’t surprise me that she already had a potential buyer. She was pretty with hair that brushed the tops of her shoulders, fair skin, and light blue eyes. Not to mention her large boobs and hourglass figure. Mandy was skinny like me, but with a little more fullness to her hips and breasts. She was wearing a blue gown like Sandy, meaning she was one of Talissa’s obedient little lapdogs.

After I ate, I disposed of the trash in one of the bins, my mind drifting back to Foster. He literally took a bullet for me, and I couldn’t understand why. He’s done nothing but degrade me and treat me like shit since we met, so why the fuck would he do that? Now I was pissed at him for getting in the way. Maybe the bullet would have killed me, and I’d be in a much better place thanthis. I wasn’t dumb enough to think I’d get into heaven with my track record, but hell wasn’t sounding too bad either.

I hesitantly approached Talissa who was still flirting with one of the guards. Even I couldn’t deny his appealing allure. He had short black hair with light blue eyes and was clean shaven, not a speck of stubble in sight. His jaw was sharp, and his posture was straight, like he was trained to do this kind of thing. They both turned to look at me as I approached, my fingers twitching where they were laced together.

“Finished?” she asked me.