He released a dark chuckle, but dropped his hand, settling for holding me by his side instead. Embarrassment filtered through my body. He was such an asshole.
“Are you planning on staying?” I asked, hoping she wasn’t. I wasn’t sure if I could explain away having to leave campus when we were supposed to be locked inside the gate.
She shook her head. “I only came to see you for a moment and drop off your gift.” Her lips drew into a tight smile, and she glanced over at Myles again, clearly sensing the danger that lurked beneath his skin. “Be careful,” she warned, shooting a pointed look in my direction. Before I could respond, she was already walking away, making her way across the room and slipping out of the two double doors.
My shoulders sagged with relief, and I spun to face him, glaring. “You do realize that she has the power to pull me out of here, right?” I snapped.
His hands moved to grip my hips, and he tugged me into his body. His heat radiated off him in waves, giving me a false sense of security. There was nothing secure about Myles Patterson. He was a wolf, waiting for the perfect opportunity to pounce.
He scoffed in response. “I’d kill her before that ever happened.”
A chill swept down my spine. I wanted to believe he wasn’t serious, but I knew him better than that. “No you won’t. Because if you eventhinkabout hurting her, I’ll return the favor.”
His eyes lit up with excitement and he tugged me flush against him, our chests pressed against one another. The steady beat of his heart echoed through his body, and I hated to admit it, but it was soothing.
“Who’s to say I’m not thinking about it right now?” he challenged, dropping his tone. “Picturing her blood running through my fingers, reveling in the warm feel of it as it clings to my skin. Knowing that I killed someone who threatened to take you from me.”
My breath hitched, something foreign stirring deep inside of me. Something I had no business feeling. Why did those words turn me on? He was talking about killing someone for my benefit, and I didn’t entirely hate it.
As if sensing this, he smirked down at me again. “We’re more alike than you think, Aspen Palmer. I can sense it. Your darkness calls to mine. Open yourself up to it; stop hiding from who you truly are.”
He leaned forward, brushing his lips against the top of my head before pulling away completely. Without another word, he made his way across the room to his family. His sister was taller than I remembered. Hell, so was Vincent. They smiled widely at their older brother, running up to him and hugging him tightly.
A smile graced my lips. Despite all he’s done, they loved him unconditionally. I yearned to have a love like that. It was what family was supposed to be like.
Pushing those thoughts to the back of my mind, I made my way over to the tree and discarded my bag from around my shoulders. I carefully sat Gia’s, Monroe’s, and Rocky’s gift beneath the tree and turned, hoping to see Collin somewhere so that I could hand deliver his.
When we talked the other day, he’d given me a lot of reassurance. While I was still skeptical when it came to trusting him, I was willing to try my hardest to give him a genuine chance to prove himself. Everyone deserved at leastthat.
Spotting him across the room, he stood side by side with Foster. Their mouths moved interchangeably as they talked. That worked well for me, because I needed to speak with Foster, too.
I headed in their direction after returning my bag to my shoulder. They both looked in my direction, their conversation halting on my account.
Cradling the small, carefully wrapped package in my hand, I offered it to Collin. He glanced at me in surprise, taking the gift and staring down at it wearily.
“This isn’t a bomb or anything like that, right?” he queried suspiciously.
I rolled my eyes. “Ha-ha. Just open it.”
He obeyed and started unwrapping the gift. When he managed to get all of the paper off, a look of confusion crossed his features. A small book rested in his hand resembling a photo album, but it wasn’t that at all. Not even close.
Opening it, his eyebrows shot into his hairline and an arrogant smirk started tugging at his lips.
Within it, were a series ofcouponsI made. Some were very, very sexy. While others resulted in me having to do hishomework or make him food in any choice of clothing he desired. He was only allowed to use one coupon a week.
“If you wanted to fuck me, all you had to do was ask.” He winked.
“Merry Christmas, asshole.”
I turned to Foster. “Are you busy right now?”
“Do Ilookbusy?” he countered.
I rolled my eyes. For all I knew, someone could be on their way to come see him. I didn’t want to ask if that was the case, but Myles was with his family and Monroe was busy chaperoning. I didn’t even know where the hell Rocky or Hunter were.
“Can you give me a ride to the club?” I asked at last. “I have to work tonight.”
He was silent for a moment, his eyes giving nothing away as usual. Finally, he drew in a breath. “And if I don’t?” he arched an eyebrow.