Page 103 of Depraved Desires

The words bounced around my skull like a melodic tune, and I realized that the voice belonging to them sounded familiar. Bracing myself on the wall nearest to me, I turned on myheels and squinted. The lighting in this place wasn’t usually this bright, so why was it the only thing I could see?

“Dixie?” I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows.

I didn’t know her well. She fucked around with Barlow—everyone knew that, but for the most part, she was quiet. My feelings toward her were neutral. She was a pretty girl with an hourglass shape and was on the shorter side when it came to height.

Slowly, the light around the shadowy figure dulled, making her look ethereal as she approached. Her long, dark hair hung loosely down her back, and her big, blue eyes seared into mine. Her room wasn’t on this floor, was it? No…her room was on the fourth floor with Rocky. So, why was she hanging out on the second one?

As if sensing my confusion, she giggled. The sound tinkled around my brain, making my mouth twitch. It sounded strange.

“You look rough.” She smiled, her teeth seeming to sparkle.

My gaze hooded, I stumbled toward her. She backed up a step, holding her arms out in front of her like she stood a chance of catching me if I fell.

“What are you doing here?” I slurred, my tongue sticking to the roof of my mouth.

She snorted in amusement. “What are you doing out of your room like this?” she countered, sweeping her big eyes over me.

A breathy laugh escaped me. “I don’t know.”

“Well, you smell like alcohol. Come on, let’s get you back inside before someone important sees you like this.” She strode toward me, wrapping an arm around my bicep. Touch was electric when I was high, the feeling intensified by the drug. It felt amazing. Why didn’t everyone do drugs?

With minimal reluctance, I allowed the pretty girl to steer me back to my room. She helped me to my bed and grabbed a bottle of water from the floor that had half of its contents missing.Taking it from her, I unscrewed the cap before chugging the remainder of it.

“You wanna get fucked up?” I asked, tossing the bottle back to the floor. Her gaze followed it as it rolled before she met my eye again.

“I think you’ve had enough.” She laughed.

She was probably right.

“Then do you wanna just fuck?” I smirked, leaning back on my elbows with the lower part of my body draped over the bed.

Surprise weaved its way into her features followed by hesitation. “As attractive as you are, Hunter Castillo, I’m going to have to decline.”

My dick was hard as a rock. I needed a release and had the sinking feeling that my hand wouldn’t cut it this time. It always happened when I got fucked up, and for a while, my hand did the trick. It was getting harder to get off lately.

“Because of Rocky?” I queried.

She rolled her eyes. “Yes. We have somewhat of an exclusive agreement.”

My ears perked up at that. “Exclusive?” I repeated, genuinely curious this time. She released a sigh and sat down beside me on the bed, crossing her ankles.

“Yep. We’re friends with benefits but have only agreed to fuck each other. Well, he’s allowed to screw guys, but no other women.”

I attempted to pull myself back up into a sitting position, but my body wasn’t having it so I ended up looking like a floppy fish out of water. Deicing that it was in my best interest to remain where I was, I placed my hands behind my head and looked over at her instead.

“So how pissed would you be if you found out that Rocky had fucked another girl?” I pressed, not giving a shit how messy I was being. She was hot and I wanted to get my dick wet.

She whipped her head in my direction, narrowing her eyes. “Don’t screw with me about this, asshole.”

“I’m not. The girl who fucked Rocky admitted to it.”

Her lips parted in disbelief and a look of betrayal flashed within her baby blues. After a few moments, she managed to compose herself. “Who is she?” she growled.

Hook, line, and sinker.

“Suck my dick and then I’ll tell you.”

I expected her to tell me to go to hell, or to walk out. What I didn’t expect was for her to drop down to her knees on the floor of my bedroom and tug my pants down my legs.