Page 8 of Autumn Falls

“I know you have something to say. Do you think I made a mistake saying no?”

“I love you, Autumn, but if we all did things on precedent, then no man would ever want to be with us because our mother abandoned us.”

“Maybe I’ll call him and tell him that my plans have been canceled.”

“Okay. Give it an hour.”

“Sounds smart. Thanks.” We drove home and then saw my father’s nurse’s car parked there. When we enter the house, it’s filled with laughter.

“We’re back,” we call out.

“We’re in the living room,” he says.

We enter and see them having a cup of tea. “I hope that’s decaf,” my sister says.

“Of course it is.”

“I’ll set this in the kitchen,” I say.

“Bring it on over. I can’t thank you girls enough. I wouldn’t have been able to survive these past three years without you.”

“We’re all just glad that you’re alive to spend another day together,” I say.

“What is this?” Jacqueline asks, breathing it in.

“It’s apple pie from Griselda Gonzalez’s bakery. Her pies are phenomenal.”

“Oh my goodness. I love apple pie,” she cheered, smiling brightly. It made me happy because she’s done so much for my father and us. Without her, my father wouldn’t have been doing so well.

I called him as soon as we finished the pie. “Um…Hi. This is Autumn.”

“Hi, beautiful. I’m so glad you called me. I didn’t think I’d hear from you so soon.”

“I’m calling because my plans were canceled, and I wanted to see if you were still up for dinner.”

“Unfortunately, I have plans with a friend of mine. Can I have a raincheck for tomorrow? We can do dinner then?”

“That sounds good.”

“Great. I look forward to it. I have to go, but can I call you tonight?”

“I’d like that.”


I ended the call and pressed the phone to my chest.

“Hey, if you’re all not busy, why don’t we go have dinner in town,” my dad offers.

“I like the sound of that.”

We get ready and head into town an hour later. When I step into Dino’s my mouth drops because sitting at the table is Owen with Caroline and they are dressed nice, and I just can’t look at them. I’m about to turn around, but I can’t because I have to explain it to my father, who seems so happy to be out.

Chapter Four


“Thanks for coming out with me tonight,” I say to Matthew, tugging at my tie. I had two business meetings via video conference after I left the parade and then I had to make sure I looked nice to have dinner with this jackass who apparently doesn’t even wear a tie.