Max laughed, and this time, we had to climb into the next cell.
We made pretty decent progress and were two away from the exit when we got stumped.
“To which question can you never say yes?”
Every suggestion we put into the answer box was rejected, and we’d spent over ten minutes on this one riddle.
I turned to Rock and wrapped an arm around him as he drew me in close. “Do you think the kids are sleeping?”
Rock stared at me and then laughed.
“Are you asleep yet?” Rock said.
“No. I asked if the kids are,” I replied.
“No, babe. Are you asleep yet? That’s the riddle’s answer. If you’re asleep, you can’t speak,” Rock explained, and we all groaned. Max typed it in, and bingo, the bars moved.
“What can your left hand hold that your right cannot?” Max read.
“Heard this one!” Slaughter crowed.
“Go on,” Max said, and Slaughter’s face dropped.
“I can’t remember,” he admitted, and we all laughed.
“Well, that’s wonderful,” Wraith teased as we tried to think of the answer.
Shotgun crossed his arms across his chest and shook his head. “Prospect, you’re on scut duty for that.”
“His elbow! Shotgun can’t touch his elbow,” I cried.
“Yeah, I can.”
“Your right hand can’t touch your right elbow!”
Max typed it in, and the door opened.
We skipped through and paused.
“I don’t like this,” I whispered, shuddering.
We stood in a room that looked a greenish colour thanks to the lights. The walls were made of different coloured tiles, andthe floor was filthy. Around the edges were tumble dryers, and in the middle were two rows of six washing machines.
“Guess we’re in the laundry room,” Rock muttered.
I bent and squealed when I spotted a face staring at me from a washing machine.
“What the fuck!” I shrieked and climbed Rock’s back.
“Crap! They all contain body parts. This is going to get messy,” Shotgun exclaimed.
“Well, I’m not opening random shit until we know why we are,” Bomber stated.
“I don’t understand either,” Wraith confessed, surveying the surroundings.
“There’s got to be a hint. Everyone start searching,” Max replied.
We checked everywhere and were still as confused until Slaughter found a UV light. He shone it around, and a message popped up on the door in the dark corner.