“Holy crap, Tiny, you look like the radioactive hulk!” I gasped.
Tiny wiped some gloop from his eyes and flicked it at me, making me squeal.
The wave appeared again, knocked them both under, and carried them to where we waited.
“Cheating is not allowed!” an announcement said, and a sheepish Razor and Tiny climbed out.
We entered the third room as the door opened. This was set up as a lion’s cage with straw on the floor and metal bars. The walls were painted as outside scenery. The centre featured a large platform with a world map and figurines in pockets.
A table with refreshments stood to one side, and we all grabbed a bite to eat. There were several thick towels for Diesel, Tiny, and Razor, who quickly cleaned themselves up.
“I guess we have to put the animals in the correct country?” Alice asked, studying the table.
“I have a lion,” Razor said, picking up the figurine.
“That’s South Africa,” Tiny rumbled, still drying his hair.
Razor positioned the piece on that, and the area lit up. Twenty minutes later, we placed the last figurines, and the door opened. I was a little suspicious because that one had been quiteeasy. As the door slid open, both Razor and I darted to the rear. In front of us stood a huge clown’s face, and we had to walk through its mouth.
“Not happening!” I screeched.
A cackle sounded from behind me, and I twisted my neck and shrieked. A clown lumbered into the previous room. I didn’t hesitate and shot past everyone and ran into the clown’s mouth, screaming all the way.
“I better get my wife,” Blaze said, sounding amused. Asshole!
Blaze moved, but Razor decided he wasn’t hanging about either and charged into the next room after me, knocking me aside.
I took him down.
A loud cackle boomed as Razor and I clung together.
As soon as everyone had entered, the door slammed shut, and dim lights switched on. We were in a vast area with the familiar red and white striped walls, but it was empty.
“I don’t understand,” Blaze murmured as we gazed around. Razor and I got to our knees, not seeing any clowns.
“Weird,” I muttered and moved forward. As soon as I did, everything went opaque, and we couldn’t see anymore.
“Oh no,” Alice muttered.
“It’s a maze,” Nando agreed.
“Okay, I can handle a maze!” I sighed in relief.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Diesel grunted.
“Shit, you hate mazes,” Tiny said, turning to his brother.
“Yeah. I always feel trapped in them. They scare the crap out of me,” Diesel admitted, grabbing hold of Alice.
“I’ll take point. There are no clowns, so I should be okay,” I offered.
Hurriedly, I began walking down the only path available. I’d spoken too soon. As I passed a panel, it lit up, and a clown’s face beamed at me before dropping its jaw in a horrible grin. I shookmy head, screamed, and backed away into another panel that repeated the same actions. Screaming, I spotted a second clown behind me.
Panic gripped me, and I raced ahead, not paying attention, and bounced straight off a glass wall, knocking myself down.
Someone’s hand landed on me, and I spun on my ass and swept Blaze’s feet from under him.
Blaze crashed down on top of me, and I shrieked again, thinking I was under attack.