Page 41 of Hell's Fear

“Marissa!” Phoe shrieked.

“That’s a recording, and that’s Fanatic’s entire team,” I said, pointing to the screen. All our missing people were there.

“I’ve found a key!” Sallie called out as she brandished one.

“Split into two teams. Half search for keys, and the rest find the way out,” I announced loudly.

As soon as everyone was moving, I headed over to Phoe and took her in my arms. “Fanatic is okay. Look. He’s there and safe and trying to escape by the looks. Keep watching him, honey.”

Phoe nodded and sank into a chair.

I gazed at the final room we were in. It resembled a cosy library with stuffed armchairs and lots of knickknacks and books. There were trunks and boxes and loads of places to hide shit.

“I’ve got a scroll. It says to look below,” Inglorious called out.

“Look below?” Sunny replied.

“Yeah. Could the floor be false?” Inglorious suggested.

“Search for a trapdoor. How many keys have we got?” I asked.

“We’ve seven at the moment,” Fish called from where he was collecting them.

“Found it,” Shee yelled, and we winced.

“Tone it down, dude,” Carly said, approaching.

“Ten keys! Need three more,” Fish declared.

Five minutes later, we had thirteen keys, and Inglorious was tearing back the trapdoor. A dark chute appeared, and we glanced at each other.

“Out of my way!” Phoe snapped, barged past, and jumped. Her screams echoed until they faded with her distance.

One by one, we all followed and ended up in the dungeon. Fish began unlocking the cage as we discovered Fanatic’s team had also been attacked, which is why they ran out of time.

As everyone arrived, a staff member appeared.

Ramirez, Ben, Nando, and Bobby Lucas charged forward, showing their badges and explaining what had happened. The teenager paled but took us to where the crew usually waited.

On the door were two Fangs who dropped their weapons on seeing us. Nando and Bobby hogtied them and called for backup.

Ramirez set Celt, Sunny, and Tiny to guard them while Bobby and Ben went with some others back to find those who’d been left alive.

Inside the room, we discovered a group of teenagers, all looking terrified. Ramirez showed his badge and tried to reassure them.

“I tried to warn you,” a girl yelped upon seeing Phoe.

Phoe turned to her and gasped.

“You were on the desk! Brooke, isn’t it?”

“A man was behind the curtain holding a gun. But I did try to warn you!” Brooke cried.

“It’s okay, Brooke, we all made it. You were so brave, honey,” Phoe said, gathering Brooke in her arms.

“Excuse me? I’m sorry, but did you find Miss McKenna?” a girl inquired with tear marks on her cheeks.

Nando’s head turned slowly as Davies spun to face her. The girl stepped back, frightened.