Page 13 of Hell's Fear

“Shit! Now that some are free, all the pods are opening!” I called out.

No sooner had the words left my mouth than the room went dark, lit only by the glowing timer counting down and glow from the pods.

“That is not helpful, Marissa!” Willow yelled as she dropped a rod with a clang and shrieked in pain. “Davies, you’re standing on my foot!”

“Sorry, kid. Hold on, I have the wrong rod and was the other the fourth?” he asked.

“No, fifth, I think,” Willow replied.

The freed captives began shoving against the boxes and pulling them through the door on their side.

“Just shove it in!” I yelled.

“How many times have you heard that?” Fish demanded, and I rolled my eyes.

“Shut up!” I retorted and grabbed a box Inglorious offered me and shoved it where a captive had removed one.

“Shit, it was the fourth, Willow!” Grey snapped as red lights flashed again.

“Three minutes!” Inglorious shouted.

Grey let out a triumphant yell, and the door slid open. We all raced for it and dashed through. It shut behind us, and we found ourselves in a room with chairs and nothing else.

“Is this the main escape room?” Willow asked, puzzled.

There was a timer still ticking down. As it hit zero, another door opened. Our gazes met, and then we pressed on.

Chapter Three.

Team Two:Celt and Chey, Chatter,(Hellfire).Phoe(Hellfire/Rage).Hunter and Mina(Rage).Ben(RCPD).Kele(Hawthorne’s).Mouse(Unwanted Bastards).


Ibounced on my toes when the door opened, and we all trekked in.

At first, I was surprised at what faced me; it wasn’t something I’d expected. It was like being in a spooky clothing shop. Racks of clothes took up floor space, and the lighting was dull. A sales counter and register stood to one side, and the walls were painted a pale beige.

We spotted the exit immediately, and there was a big counter above it, which started counting down.

“I’ve got a fuse box over here with no fuses,” Hunter announced as he examined the door.

“Guess we have to find them?” Chey asked.

“Looks like it,” Chatter called from behind the counter where he was looking down.

I moved around and bit my lip. Boxes with numbers on them were stacked neatly underneath, and the cash register was locked with a padlock.

“What’s the betting there’s a fuse in the cash drawer?” I muttered, and Chatter nodded. “We need to find a code to open the register.”

“Two fuses are required, any idea where to search? We could be here all day,” Mouse asked.

“I’ve got something here,” Celt called as he gazed at a wall.

“What?” I inquired.

“It’s four pictures. Each shows a different item: candy canes, roses, a gold bar, and a fish,” Celt replied.

“That’s freaking random,” I muttered.