Page 6 of Burning Truth

“Yeah, I don’t blame you. But it’s not just an arson issue, anymore,” she said.

“Johnson,” Rodrigo snapped, but she held up her hand again, obviously expecting him to be quiet. He sank back into his chair, expression mulish.

“We believe that Addison Kingston is being stalked by the man setting the fires.”

Severn blinked. “Are you fucking serious?”

“Unfortunately, yes,” she said, nodding. “It was only on her social media. Just little comments about what she was wearing that day, noting the tennis shoes that were out of camera range didn’t match her dress. Comments that she needed to do better, that kind of thing. Then, yesterday, he left a burned bone, we think human, in her parking spot at the news station. We’ve looked at the footage around the station, but we can’t see anyone delivering it.”

Severn’s mind was racing. He’d known a few guys that had a proclivity for burning things, but they were in it for the adrenalin rush. None of them had been trying to impress a woman.

“He’s going to be a churning mass of emotion, then,” he said, thinking out loud. “His need to impress her will be fighting with his own need for satisfaction. The problem with arsonists is that they have a mental disability, but it ties in with so many other mental disabilities that it’s hard to differentiate just the arson aspect.”

Johnson nodded, the starch in her spine easing a little. “That’s basically what our psych guy said as well.”

“More than likely, she’s met the man,” Parker said, sitting forward in his chair. “There’s some connection. She’s a beautifulwoman. Maybe somebody asked her out and she turned them down. A spurned suitor would definitely want to burn things. His leaving the bone was probably a warning.” He held Johnson’s gaze. “So, she thinks I’m stalking her,” Severn asked.

Johnson shrugged lightly. “She gave us the footage,” she said, motioning to Parker’s desk.

Severn scowled. Though people reacted to his scars like he was a serial killer sometimes, he didn’t like the thought of a woman being fearful of him. Especially not Addie Kingston. “I feel like I should talk to her.”

Parker winced. “Not sure that’s a good idea, buddy.”

Johnson cocked her head, obviously thinking. “Well, let’s talk about that a minute. The guy is targeting cops and county workers, it seems like. Or affiliates of the county. What if we brought in a face he didn’t know? Somebody not affiliated with the county in any way.”

“You have got to be joking,” Rodrigo hissed at her. “There’s no way the captain would go for this!”

Johnson lifted a brow at him. “Let me deal with the captain.” She looked back at Severn. “Would you consider going undercover to help us out? With your connections to the prosecutor’s office,” her glance flicked to Parker, “I have a feeling we can get approval for anything to catch this guy.”

Yeah, it helped that Parker’s significant other, Andromeda, was one of the bigwigs that ran the show at the prosecutor’s office.

“I would,” he said immediately. If it meant he had a chance to catch the fucker doing this, he would be all in.

For the first time, Detective Johnson’s expression lightened. “Excellent. I’ll talk to the station and see if they can come up with a job for you to explain your being with her.”

“Or, he could pose as her significant other,” Parker said, rocking back in his chair. There was a gleam in his greyeyes that Severn wasn’t sure he appreciated. “An overprotective boyfriend. Our team has had to do that a few times recently.”

Johnson nodded thoughtfully, her eyes shining. “I think if you pose as Addison’s new beau, it will explain your presence away beautifully. You’re concerned for her safety, so you stick with her at all times to protect her. I think it’s a brilliant idea.”

Severn knew his face had to be giving away how incredulous he thought this was, but he couldn’t help it. He wasn’t one of the grunts on the street for a reason. He didn’t go in for subterfuge like this, because his fucked up mug was so memorable. Between his height and his looks, it was hard for him to fade into the background. And the woman certainly wouldn’t go for it, not with the way she looked. “Or it could be just enough to anger this guy more and put her in immediate danger.”

Johnson shook her head. “At this point, I think it’s a matter of time before he attacks her. He’s building up to it.”

Severn crossed his arms over his chest, not liking the direction this meeting had gone. He glanced at Parker for back-up, but his boss had a slight smile on his face. He’d always told Severn that he needed to break out of his self-imposed exile and get out into the world, for real, not just observe it. And this was his chance to push him out of the nest, so to speak. “You’d better clear this with her, then.”

Detective Johnson stood. “We’re going to the station now to talk to her. She’s already said she’ll do anything to catch the guy. I’ll call you with the details.”

Severn watched as the detectives left the office, then he turned his head to Parker. “Thanks for having my back, buddy,” he said, sarcasm heavy.

Parker grinned. “Oh, whatever. I know you. If I hadn’t presented the boyfriend option, you really would have been stalking her in the hopes of catching the guy. Now you can be at her side at all times, legitimately.”

Yeah, he supposed Parker was right. Severn heaved a sigh. “Guess I’ll go get my go-bag.”


Addie stared at the Columbus police detective incredulously. “Are you freaking serious? This guy is the arsonist!”

The woman smiled at her kindly. “I know a few things look incriminating, but we do not believe he is the arsonist. I’m confident enough that I’m backing this plan. He’s a trained investigator and he’s also done personal security. He’s worked with the police department before. You’ll be safer with him. Technically, we don’t have enough to give you a personal protection detail yet.”