Page 60 of Burning Truth

She nodded, turning toward the interrogation room. Her heart was going to slam out of her chest. There was a tinge of excitement, but more fear than anything. This man had been terrorizing the city, and her, for months, and it was time they stopped him.

Dragging in a big gulp of air, Addie opened the door and let herself inside the room. Russell Dunn looked up at her, a slow smile spreading across his mouth. “I knew you’d come see me,” he murmured. “That’s one of the things I admire most about you, Addison. Your sense of community. You do what’s best for the people of the city.”

He motioned with his head toward the chair opposite him, as if they were in his living room. Addie sat down and surveyed her stalker. “Hello, Monster.”

Some of the shine went out of the man’s smile, and a muscle jerked in his cheek. Maybe he hadn’t liked that nickname after all.

“Now that the cat’s out of the bag, so to speak,” he made a motion with his hand, “you can call me Russell. We have met before, after all.”

“I remember,” she said, leaning back against the chair and trying to look calm. “We met at the warehouse, where you killed three people.”

He shrugged lightly, the chain on his handcuffs rattling against the table. “I love my community as well, and those three people shouldn’t have been in that building. They were leaches on society. I didn’t actually mean to kill them, but it was a bonus.”

Addie fought not to show the disgust and horror on her face.

“You’re doing good,” Severn whispered in her ear. “Keep pushing him.”

“I knew one of the women you killed,” Addie said. “Mama Kate actually helped people get off the streets. If you’ve been watching me for a while, you probably saw me do a segment on how she was trying to help. So, you knew people were in there. I think you meant to kill them.”

Russell shrugged. “Even if I did, what does it matter now?”

“Well, it matters because if it’s premeditated, that’s a completely different charge than second degree murder.”

Russell shook his head, glancing at the mirrored glass behind her. “It doesn’t matter what they want to charge me with. That’s not why I…”

“It does matter,” she interrupted, her own anger spiking. “Human lives are important. Whether you think they are or not. They’re important to me.” She tapped her chest. “So, tell me why I’m here, Monster.”

He was glowering now. Obviously, he’d had a script in his head on what would happen, but she was not kissing his ass the way he expected her to.

“Well, if human lives are important to you, you should be nicer to me, because there are a lot of lives at stake right now.” His eyes flashed as he leaned toward her, looking her up and down. “Why you didn’t get cleaned up? You look ridiculous.”

Addie lifted her chin. “I was told to get here as quick as I could. I was still in bed when the detective called me.”

“With your bodyguard?” Russell asked, his lip curling.

“Yes, I was in bed with Severn.”

“Why are you laying with him? You could do so much better, Addison.”

She quirked a brow at the contempt in his voice. “I disagree, Russell. I think I’ve found the perfect man.”

Russell snorted. “Oh, I get it. I mean, as disgusting as he is, he’s probably kissing the ground you walk upon that you’re paying attention to him. You’re a beautiful woman, Addison.”

Addie didn’t respond, and she hoped Severn wasn’t taking any of his words to heart.

“Maybe he’ll try to play hero again. I didn’t expect him to do as well as he did at the maintenance yard. How is Jake, by the way?”

It took all the experience Addie had gained being on camera learning to control her expression to not show him how pissed she was. “He’s fine. Some smoke inhalation.”

Russell gave her a slight smile. “Jake wasn’t the target. You know that.”

“I know that,” she agreed, “and I understand why you went after Severn. He has more experience with arson and explosive devices than you do, so I can understand why you’d feel threatened.”

Russell jerked his cuffs as he tried to stand. “I’m not threatened.”

“He was also a two-time purple heart recipient for his actions in Afghanistan,” Gabbie whispered in her ear.

Addie repeated the information, and Russell’s face darkened even more.