“Hey, Dan.”
“Hey, Addie. Gonna be a boring night?”
She barked out a laugh. “I seriously doubt it.”
It was a beautiful evening outside. The sun was setting, and a cool breeze had moved in. The van they climbed into was a nondescript white loaner, because their normal van would be in evidence for the foreseeable future. Eric Hoffbrau sat in the front seat, vibrating with excitement. Eric wasn’t a bad guy, but he had aspirations of moving to Hollywood to film real movies. So, he went into every scene with a theatrical eye. His frenetic energy didn’t let him settle on one scene, though. He would move Addie five or six times before he got the ‘perfect’ shot. Jake just always knew where to position her, but then, he’d been in the business for over twenty years. Eric was a film major, working his way through state college.
“Oh,” he said, his eyes widening. “We have ride-alongs tonight?”
“Yes,” Addie said firmly. “This is my boyfriend Severn and his buddy Dan. We’re heading to Taft High School, Eric, for a bomb scare.”
“Yup! Just got the text message! We’ll be there in ten minutes.”
This van was configured more like a passenger van, so Dan settled into the passenger seat up front, and Severn settled in the bench seat beside Addie in the row behind. As soon as they were strapped in, she reached for his hand.
“I think something bad is going to happen tonight,” she murmured to him. Eric and Dan were chatting about something, and whatever the subject was, Eric was getting enthusiastic, motioning with his hands as he drove.
“I think so, too,” Severn said, his mouth pulled down in a frown.
Addie reached up and brushed her fingers over his chin. He had the slightest divot there that she hadn’t really noticed before. Her eyes traced across his lean face, and the scars, his beautiful eyes, and she cupped his cheek. Tears burned in hereyes, and she drew in a quivering breath. “I don’t want you hurt,” she said, her voice husky. “Today in the van, you were incredible, but you didn’t even hesitate. The next time something like this happens, I need you to hesitate, because I will be devastated if something happens to you, Severn Moran.”
Severn winced and looked down for a second. Addie watched his throat work, and she realized he was struggling with his own emotions. When he looked up, there was something in his expression…
“I’ve never had anyone worry about me, or care if I made it out alive. Not since I lost my team. So, I appreciate you saying that, Addie, and I promise you, I won’t throw myself into danger recklessly. Your safety is paramount to me, and I won’t do anything to put you at risk. I’m the best chance you have of surviving this madman, so I will stay by your side until this is done.”
They met in a blazing kiss, then, and Addie knew she could tell him more. She could tell him she was falling in love with him, but she worried it would freak him out. Severn wouldn’t think it was real. He’d say it was the sex or some kind of savior crush, but Addie knew her own heart. And she knew that if something happened to Severn, it would destroy her. In just a few short days, he’d taken her over, heart, mind and body.
They slowed for a stop at a traffic light about a mile from the school. Traffic was backed up as so many people tried to leave the stadium. Horns blared and fingers flew. Drivers were blocking the intersections, even through the lights. There were a few cops in the area trying to direct, but people in fear for their lives didn’t like to listen to reason. And with as many fires and fire bombings that had been going on in the city, they were more likely to believe a bomb threat could turn into actual danger.
They were sitting at a blocked intersection when her phone pinged in her pocket. Dreading what she would see, she drewit out. That was the notification sound of the platform Monster had been using to contact her.
This is going to make your career, Addison. You’d better get through that traffic so that you can see better.
Fear sliced through her in a cold wave and she turned the phone so Severn could see. Monster was watching them. Right now. Was he in one of these cars? She responded before she could think twice.My career is fine.Please, please don’t do anything. Don’t blow anything up. You’ve already killed so many people.
The little blinking dot told her he was responding.It’s mostly only cops left in the area now.
INNOCENT cops! What did they do to you? And there may still be kids in there!
Severn was talking on his phone as he scanned the area. The van was creeping forward, but it was slow.
Addie tried to think about what she could do to derail another bombing. She felt so useless.
Maybe you should offer to meet with me so I don’t burn anything else.
She stared down at the words, her brain shorting out. Then her stomach quaked, and she could have been sick, but she breathed through it. She tilted the screen toward Severn, and he shook his head firmly.
“No fucking way, Addie.”
“If it would get him to stop burning? I totally would.”
She had to try to talk him down first.The need to burn is a psychological thing. You can’t just turn it off.
You’re right. I denied myself for a long time, but I’m tired of living with all the lies.
What lies???
The lies that government officials like to tell people to keep them in line. They’re all corrupt.