Page 45 of Burning Truth

All he could think about doing was pushing that skirt up over her hips and letting her ride him. Or reaching up the front to finger her.

Their new, legitimate relationship was going to put a whole new dynamic into the situation. He was still torn on how he felt. It was totally unprofessional to sleep with a client, but she drewhim like no other woman had. He was already trying to justify his heightened attention, but he knew it was self-serving.

Parker and Andromeda had made it work. Parker had been guarding Andy in a terrorism case when they’d fallen in love. And Brian and Sage had had a bit of overlap, too, personal and business.

It wasn’t impossible, just improbable.

Was he seriously thinking about being in a relationship? He’d been a bachelor for so long he didn’t even know what went into a relationship.

It didn’t feel like a task when he thought about being with Addie, though. It felt kind of exciting. It had been a long time since he’d been excited about anything. Being in her house should have made him feel uncomfortable, but it hadn’t. For the first time in a long time, the loneliness that ate at him was quiet.

They drove to the station, chatting about the steamy weather and the traffic on the way in. It was mid-day, and the lunch rush had hit. Traffic was bumper to bumper.

Addie was staring out the window, her lips pursed.

“What’s wrong,” he asked.

She flashed him a grin. “Oh, I have a list. It just seems so crazy to me that all these people are just going along like nothing affects them. But the danger is so close.”

“It’s always like that,” he said softly. “People don’t always broadcast what they’re going to do. Most of the population live oblivious lives, and they don’t do much to change it. In the military, we called them soft targets.”

She didn’t like that, he could see, but it was the way things were. Evil always took advantage of the weak.

They arrived at the station, and he parked in the front loading lane. Addie looked at him, curiously.

“I don’t want you walking out exposed any more than we have to. I also have a buddy coming in who’s going to back me up for a while. He’s probably inside.”

Her eyes went dark. “I don’t want you hurt, Severn. You’ve come to be very important to me.”

Severn was a little shocked, and he clamped his mouth shut. Varied responses jammed in his brain, but he couldn’t spit one out. She was staring at him like she needed a response. When he still hesitated, she turned to gather up her things. She flung open the door and started to get out, but he grabbed her arm.

“Wait, Addie,” he said, flustered. He never got flustered.

She sat back in the chair, her green eyes so deep in the sunshine.

“I’ve never been in a relationship like this,” he started. “You’re stirring up a lot of feelings in me, and it’s taking me a while to adjust. But I don’t want you hurt, either. Actually, I will die to keep you safe.”

Her eyes softened, like she understood that he was saying what he could, and she nodded. “Okay,” she said softly.

Leaning forward, he pressed a kiss to her lips, even though it was the middle of the day and everyone could see them. There were a few people walking in, so he made the kiss short. He didn’t want her to be embarrassed being seen kissing him.

Addie cupped his face in her hands, her thumbs running over his cheeks as she pulled his attention back to her. She looked deeply into his eyes. “Don’t think about anyone else. I’m not embarrassed to be seen with you. You’re gorgeous, Severn, even with the scars. I don’t know why you don’t get that.”

Severn huffed out a laugh. The woman was insightful, which made her dangerous. “I don’t know about gorgeous. There’s not enough makeup in that studio to plaster over these scars.”

She shook her head, sighing as she sat back in the seat. “The scars don’t matter. Not to me, at least.”

Gathering her things, she slipped out of the truck. Severn had to scramble to catch up to her as she walked into the studio building.

Dan Stirling stood just inside the door, watching them through the glass, his hands clasped in front of himself. Severn suddenly worried that Dan, a former Army Ranger, had been the wrong choice. Yes, he was a damned good investigator, but he was the opposite to Severn in every way. Dan had surfer boy, blond-haired, blue-eyed good looks, though he was from the mountains of Montana. Parker had hired him several months ago on Duncan Wilde’s recommendation, and so far, Dan had exceeded expectations. He was active despite his prosthetic leg, and Severn wondered if Addie would even notice the disability.

The two of them would look perfect together. Dark and light.

“Addie, this is Dan Stirling. He’s a newer hire at Lost and Found Columbus, and he does excellent surveillance work.”

Addie beamed at Dan and held out her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Dan. Sorry you got called in for this mess.”

Dan gave her a friendly smile, interest heavy in his expression. “Oh, I’m not. It gave me a chance to meet the famous Addie Kingston. And I have to say, you’re more beautiful in real life.”