Page 93 of A Sinner's Saint

I freeze. “What?”

Cammi sits up again. “He told me today. She died a few months ago. His dad is drinking and his little sister is going off the rails.”

“Why the fuck wouldn’t he tell me all that?” I comb an aggravated hand through my hair, my thoughts bouncing around inside my head.

“I’m not sure, but I thought you should know. I like him when he’s not hitting on my mum.”

“Dash hit on your mum?” Truth is, I’m a little bummed my friend met her parents before I did.

“Flirted, hit on. Same thing. But we should help him,” Cammi suggests.

“Yeah. We will.” Right after I kick his fucking ass for not telling me about his mum and everything else he’s dealing with.

“You should get some sleep,” Cammi says. “You want to stay here? You could meet my mum in the morning?”

“You think walking out of her daughter’s bedroom and sitting at the breakfast table is the best way to meet your future mother-in-law?” I ask her.

“Good a time as any. Besides, she assumed I was dating Dash and got so excited at the thought.” Cammi laughs.

“I’d kill him. Best friend or not,” I grunt.

“Good thing you’re the only person I’m interested in,” Cammi says.

I didn’t sleep. Usually I can sleep when I’m next to her. But I kept obsessing about what she said about Dash’s mum being gone. And then me meetinghermother this morning. I know Mrs Taylor isn’t going to like me. Nobody wants their daughter to end up with a De Bellis.

“Stop worrying. I love you and that’s all I care about. I don’t care if anyone else approves or not. Iammarrying you, Vin,” Cammi whispers as we make our way down the stairs the following morning. “Mum, we’ve got an extra mouth to feed,” she calls out right before we enter the kitchen.

“I thought you said…” Mrs Taylor turns around and her mouth drops in shock. “You’re not Dash.”

“No, Mum, this is Vin. My fiancé.” Cammi smiles so wide while looking up at me.

“This is Vin?” her mother asks.

“Yeah.” Cammi nods.

“It’s nice to finally meet you, Mrs Taylor. I’m Vin De Bellis. Cammi has told me a lot about you.”

Recognition fills her eyes when she hears my name, but she doesn’t mention it. “It’s nice to finally meet you too. But if you break my daughter’s heart again, I now have a face to match upwith the name and I’ll hunt you down and slaughter you like a pig.”

“Mum!” Cammi gasps. “How did you even know it was him?”

“You have his name tattooed behind your ear, Camile. It wasn’t hard to figure out.” Her mother says, then turns to me. “Now, how do you like your eggs, Vin?”

“Ah, I’m not fussy, Mrs Taylor,” I say, still shocked she’s gone from threatening to gut me like a farm animal to asking me how I like my breakfast prepared.

“It’s Katrina. So, fiancé? When did this happen?”

“Yesterday,” Cammi says. “We realised Vin was an idiot and we’re working through things.”

“I was,” I admit.

“This engagement, is it going to be long? Like, awe’ll get married in two yearskind of thing orwe’re running off to Vegas tomorrowkind of thing?” Mrs Taylor asks.

“June. I want to get married in June,” Cammi answers.

“Okay, sit down. Let me feed you before we figure out how you’re going to plan a wedding in just a few months’ time. How do your parents feel about all this, Vin?” Mrs Taylor looks to me.

“Ah, my parents are dead,” I tell her. “My brothers and their wives will help, though.”