Page 89 of A Sinner's Saint

He’s running an errand for his brother. He didn’t show up because he needed to do something, not because he didn’t want to. I breathe out a sigh of relief. But as quick as that relief comes, it’s gone.

What is he doing? Is he safe?

“You know, if you keep frowning like that, you’re going to get wrinkles. Not that it’ll matter. I’m sure Vin will be just as obsessed as always.” The voice grabs my attention. Dash.

“What are you doing here?” I question him. “Wait… Am I in the wrong place?”

I’m ready to jump up and find my actual lecture when he responds with, “You’re in the right room, Cammi. Relax. I’m here under strict orders to keep you alive and calm.”

“Whose orders?” I ask stupidly, like there would be anyone other than Vin asking Dash to babysit me. “I don’t need a babysitter.”

“Don’t kill the messenger, babe.” Dash holds up his hands in surrender. “I’m just looking out for my mate’s interests. Which happens to be you.”

“You’re really just going to follow me around until Vin is finished doing whatever it is he’s doing?”

“It’s what friends do,” Dash says.

“Okay, then.” I pull out my laptop. I need to focus this year. I barely scraped by with passes last year, and I really want to improve my GPA.

Dash, thankfully, is quiet throughout the entire lecture. And as promised, when I pack up and walk out, he’s right by my side.

“You know I’ll be fine. You really don’t need to follow me,” I tell him.

“You should give yourself more credit, Cammi. You’re a hoot to be around. Best company I’ve had in years.” Dash laughs.

“Thanks.” I roll my eyes at him.

“Cammi? Hey, how are you? I heard you had a… um… incident yesterday.” Scarlett stops in front of me.

“Oh, hey. I’m fine. It was a blip. Everyone overreacted,” I tell her.

“Is this the ex?” she asks, looking at Dash.

“Ew, god no,” I spit out and then cover my mouth. “No offense,” I tell Dash before returning my attention to Scarlett. “This is Dash, a friend of the ex—though I guess he’s kind of the not-so-ex again.”

“Oh, that’s great,” Scarlett says. “Well, I have to get going, but let’s catch up again tomorrow.”

“Sounds great. I’d love that,” I tell her.

When Scarlett’s out of earshot, Dash turns and walks backwards, watching her go. “Who is that? She single?”

“That’s my new friend Scarlett, and I actually have no idea.” I realise we spent the whole time yesterday talking about me. I’m officially a shitty person. I didn’t ask a single thing about her. “How have you been this past year, Dash? Anything new going on in your life?”

“Do you want the honest answer or the version that doesn’t make people uncomfortable?” he replies.

“The truth,” I tell him.

“My mum passed away. My dad’s drinking too much, and my little sister is determined to send me into in an early grave by way of heart attack,” he says. “Shit… Sorry, bad choice of words. Make that a stroke.” Dash waves a hand around. “Add onto that,the whole watching my best friend fall apart because he was a fucking idiot thing.”

“I’m sorry about your mum,” I tell him. “I didn’t know.”

“No one does,” Dash says.

“What do you mean no one knows?”

“I didn’t tell anyone. Marcus has had his own shit going on and Vin, well, he’s been through a lot.” Dash looks away as he says this. “So, where to next, princess?”

“Dash, that’s horrible. And you’re right. Vin was a fucking idiot.” I smile.