“That’s the highlight of your day?” I repeat.
“Youarethe highlight of my day.”
I don’t know what to say to that. I can tell that he’s not just saying the words. He means them. “What happened today?” I ask him.
“What do you mean?”
“Something happened. I can tell. You’re… withdrawn.” I roll over, leaning my elbow on the bed to prop my head up on a hand.
“Nothing happened. It’s just family shit,” he says.
“Okay. Vin?”
“Why don’t you touch me unless I ask you?”
He looks away, his gaze focused on the blankness of the ceiling. “I should go,” he says.
“You don’t have to.”
“I do.” He glances at me again, and I can see the indecisiveness on his face.
“Vin, kiss me. Please,” I ask him.
He shifts forward and fuses his lips with mine. We lie on the bed, next to each other, kissing. I don’t know how much time passes, but when he pulls back, he looks so fucking sad. “Kissing you is the best high I’ve ever had,” he says.
“Then don’t stop kissing me.” I smile up at him.
He closes his eyes. “I think you might be my personal saint.”
“I’m no saint, Vin. I can’t work miracles,” I tell him.
“But you already have. You just don’t know it.” He opens his eyes to look at me again. “You make it all go away.”
“Make what go away?” I want to reach up and touch him. I want to pull him into me. I don’t. Something tells me not to, so I lie here instead. Still. Unmoving. As my heart beats wildly in my chest.
“The nightmares.” His words are whispered, almost as if he doesn’t intend for me to hear them. Then Vin leans down, kisses my forehead, and climbs off the bed. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Cammi,” he says and walks out the door.
I don’t try to stop him this time. My mind whirls with all the possibilities. Although, when it comes to Vin’s nightmares, I have a feeling my imagination couldn’t possibly conjure up the sort of demons that live in his head.
I get up, grab the towel from the back of my door, and make my way into the bathroom. Where I stand and stare at the shower for five minutes. I know I need to get in, but I’m hesitant to wash his touch from my skin. Eventually I realise just how insane I’m being and step into the stall. By the time I turn off the water, my fingers are wrinkly and the room is filled with steam. I wrap the towel around myself and walk back into my room, pausing when I find Vin sitting on my bed.
“I thought you left,” I tell him.
“What time are your parents coming home?” he asks.
“I don’t know. They just said they’d be back late. Why?”
“I need to sleep. For just an hour or two. Can you lie down with me?” He looks so vulnerable right now.
“Give me your shirt.” I hold out my hand. Am I literally asking for the shirt off his back? Yes, I am.
Without a second thought, Vin reaches behind his neck, tugs the material over his head, and passes the shirt to me. After I slide my arms through the sleeves and let the fabric fall over my body, I allow my towel to drop to the floor.
I climb onto the bed and get comfortable, waiting for Vin to do the same. Then I slide over and rest my head on his shoulder. “Vin?”