“Why would you care if old Frank was interested in the Fed or not?” My father continues to glare at me.
Nonno chuckles and shakes his head. “You know, if word’s out that you’re married, people are going to expect it to be true. You can’t lie about these things,” he says.
“So I’ll marry her.” I shrug.
“You’ll marry her?” He raises his brows at me. “She’s a fuckingFed. You want to marry a cop? How do you think that’s going to work out, exactly?”
“She can’t testify against me if we’re married,” I tell him.
“She can, however, feed intel to her partners who can and will build a case,” Pops says.
“What else do you know about her?” Nonno asks.
“There’s no record of her existing before she was thirteen,” I reply.
“Thirteen?” Nonno pulls out his phone and dials a number. “Romeo, dig up the case that put Frank Esposito away. Send it over to me,” he says and then disconnects the call. My grandfather isn’t one for pointless conversation. “Frank got busted when he went rogue. Put a bullet in the head of an accountant who was working for his family. The wife and daughter were there. They were going to be next if the Feds didn’t burst in.”
“Wait… You think Kayleigh is that daughter?” I ask.
“They went into witness protection. No one ever looked for 'em because, well, it was Frank. His family was relieved he was locked up,” Pops says.
“If she was that kid, he’s not going to remember where he knows her from and he’s going to come after her to find out,” I verbalize what we’re all thinking.
“He will,” Nonno agrees.
“Okay, so how many people will I piss off when I kill him before he can lay a hand on her?”
My father and grandfather look at me like I’ve lost my mind. And maybe I have.
“Fucking hell, you’ve gone and fallen for this woman.” Pops shakes his head. “I don’t know where the fuck I went wrong with you kids. It’s like you’re all out to give me a fucking heart attack,” he adds dramatically.
“First, you’re going to go and uncuff her. We don’t hold women against their will in this family,” Nonno says. “No matter who they are.”
“Oh, she wanted to be in my bed.” I smirk, remembering the events of last night and the multiple times I made her scream my name.
“Don’t be an ass. That’s someone’s daughter you got in there. Someone’s sister.” Pops slaps the back of my head. “All women deserve to be treated exactly how you’d want your sister treated.”
If anyone did to Aurora what I did to Kayleigh last night, I’d fucking kill them. There is no way anyone is touching my little sister. Just no. Fucking no.
“Tell me again why I can’t kill this Connor kid?” I ask Pops.
“Because we want your sister to come home, not run farther away.” He sighs. “Trust me, no one wants the asshole dead more than I do.”
“Go and unchain your wife, Enzo,” Nonno tells me. “I want to meet the granddaughter who’s going to try to lock us all away.”
Chapter Sixteen
My heart races as I lie here, naked in Enzo’s bed. I’m waiting. I need to get out of this apartment, except there’s only one way in and one way out. Unless I climb down the fire escape.
Waking up handcuffed to the bed of a known criminal isn’t exactly ideal. Thankfully, he only cuffed one wrist. My left one.Which means it only took a bobby pin I pulled from my hair and about two minutes to free myself.
Now, I’m facing the window that leads to the fire escape. I should probably mention that I’m petrified of heights. And I’m about to climb down this rusty-ass ladder barefooted, because there’s no way I can do it in heels.
It’s either this, or wait around and see how Enzo plans to dispose of me. I could hear the murmuring of voices through his closed bedroom door. I wanted to listen, find out who he’s talking to and what they were talking about. More than that, I want to survive. Which is why I’m going against my better judgement and stepping out onto the creaky metal platform.
“You can do this, Kayleigh. You need to do this.” I just need to get back home and call in. I need to be extracted from this case. I also need to call and check in on my mother. But first, I need to survive climbing down these ladders.
By the time I reach the bottom, I’m out of breath. My arms and legs are killing me. If I’m honest, my entire body was sore when I woke up. A night with Enzo is the equivalent of running a damn marathon. The man has stamina.